Page:Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China.djvu/542

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1. Yu Ping Ur. 2. Kwan Chiping. 3. Chang Yue Chee. 4. Yung Soy Hsung.
5. Sia Tsze Nan. 6. Bong Lai Ching. 7. Wong Fuk Ching. 8. M. Zeen. 9. S. C. Young.
10. Wong Sze Shing. 12. Zea Zoon Bing. 11. H. E. Yen Fuh.
13. K. T. Chang. 14. Tao Mai Sen. 15. Lee Sih Gnan. 16. Sze Tsay Kok. 17. Tong Shin Yue.
18. Rev. Wong Ping San. 19. King Chun San. 20. Zea Koo Ching. 21. T. Suichow.

Shanghai to resume control of his business in Haining Road, which his brother had been unable to run at a profit. About this time Mr. Cheong was lucky enough to win three prizes in the Waising lottery. Within ten years he won $80,000, $50,000, and about 75 per cent. of $400,000. This good fortune was partly counterbalanced by a loss of $170,000, but sufficient money remained to place Mr. Cheong's various enterprises on a sound financial basis. Since then all his speculations have proved successful. Mr. Cheong recognises the obligations of riches, and. like his father, he is very charitable. He has liberally supported hospitals, schools, and other public institutions. For his munificence he was made a Knight Commendador of the Civil Royal Order of Industrial Merit by the King of Portugal on December 24, 1904, and was granted the rank of Taoutai by the Chinese Government. Now, in the closing years of his life, Mr. Cheong takes as small a share as possible in the perpetual worries attendant upon large business and financial operations. Formerly he derived considerable enjoyment from shooting, but advancing years have obliged him to relinquish this form of recreation. His town house is in Haining Street, and he has, also, a delightful residence—Verdant Villa—situated some little distance from Shanghai, in the direction of North Honan Road. Here is to be found everything calculated to promote material comfort. The rooms are tastefully and luxuriously furnished, and the extensive grounds, which are splendidly laid out, contain an artificial lake and several excellent specimens of Chinese rockery. Mr. Cheong married Miss Cheong Ja See, and