Page:Various Forces of Matter.djvu/101

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water, the heaviest body, platinum—and this gas, and observe how they differ in this respect; for if I take a piece of platinum of that size (fig. 29), it is equal to the weight of portions of water, air, and hydrogen of the bulks I have represented in these spheres; and this illustration gives you a very good idea of the extraordinary' difference with regard to the gravity of the articles having this enormous difference in bulk. [The following tabular statement having reference to this illustration appeared on the diagram board.]

Hydrogen 1.4    
Air 14.4 1  
Water 11943.4 829 1.5
Platinum 256774.4 17831 21.5

Whenever oxygen and hydrogen unite together they produce water, and you have seen the extraordinary difference between the bulk and appearance of the water so produced and