Page:Various Forces of Matter.djvu/172

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tion; and you see above a still better arrangement for the same purpose,—one which comes up to the maximum, I may say, of the ability of directing light by this means. You are aware that without that arrangement of glass the light would be dispersed in all directions, but the lens being there, all the light which passes through it is thrown into parallel beams and cast horizontally along. There is consequently no loss of light, the beam goes forward of the same dimensions, and will consequently continue to go forward for five or ten miles, or so long as the imperfection of the atmosphere does not absorb it; and see! What a glorious power that is, to be able to convert what was just now darkness on that paper into brilliant light.

Whenever we have refraction of this sort we are liable to an evil consequent upon the necessary imperfections in the form of the lens; and Dr. Tyndall will take this lens, and will show you even in this small and perfect apparatus what is the evil of spherical aberration with which we have to fight. This can be illustrated by means of the electric lamp; if you look at the screen, you will see produced, by means of this lens, a figure of the coal points. This