The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations/Four-and-Twenty Acts of Adoration

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The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations (1883)
by Patrick Francis Moran
Four-and-Twenty Acts of Adoration
3909354The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations — Four-and-Twenty Acts of Adoration1883Patrick Francis Moran

Four-and-Twenty Acts of Adoration


By way of reparation for all the offences committed against Him by mankind.

JESUS, my Lord and my God, ever adorable ! O that I could be present in all the churches throughout the universe, where thou art not adored as thou oughtest to be, and where thy inflamed love is not repaid with the gratitude worthy of thy Majesty! I fly at least in spirit to those holy places, now profaned, and offer on thy altar there all the love and adorations of thy holy Mother, in compensation for the injuries ever done thee by the Jews, by heretics, and bad Christians. Eternal praise be to the ever Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

2. O Jesus, true Sun, that enlightens the church, and raises into a flame the hearts of thy servants! I adore thee; and to repair the sloth, indifference, and tepidity of so many religious persons, who, though favoured with the aspect of so burning a luminary, remain cold, insensible, and inanimate, I offer up to thee all the inflamed desire of the Seraphim. Eternal praise, &c.

3. I adore thee, O eternal Wisdom! and to repair the gross ignorance which has caused us to offend thee, I offer up to thee all the knowledge of those most enlightened spirits, the Cherubim. Eternal praise, &c.

4. I adore thee, O most meek and merciful God ! and to repair all the sins of anger, passion and revenge, highly offensive in thy sight, I offer up to thee the peace, mildness, and tranquillity of the Thrones. Eternal praise, &c.

5. I adore thee, O Sacrament of Love! and to repair all the thoughts and criminal desires conceived, even at the very foot of thy altars, I offer up to thee all the pure affections and chaste desires of the Dominations. Eternal praise, &c.

6. I adore thee, O immaculate Lamb! that takest away the sins of the world; and to repair all the irreverences, gazing at dangerous objects, and disrespectful postures, during the time of holy mass, I offer to thee the profound respect of the choir of Virtues. Eternal praise, &c.

7. I adore thee, O source and origin of all sanctity and innocence! and to repair the abominations committed by wicked men, who consecrate or receive thee in the state of mortal sin, I offer up to thee the profound adorations and holiness of the Powers. Eternal praise, &c.

8. I adore thee, Sovereign Lord of the universe! to whom every knee, both in, heaven and on earth, should bend, all reverence be paid; and in order to repair the many blasphemies against thy honor, I offer up to thee the praises and homages of the Principalities. Eternal praise, &c.

9. I adore thee, Saviour of the world! to whom all fidelity and glory is due; and to repair the sacrilegious communions and treacheries of so many false consciences, I offer up to thee the fervent and faithful zeal of the Archangels. Eternal praise, &c.

10. I adore thee, the delight of heaven and earth! and to repair the neglect, indifference, and contempt mankind show of that loving invitation, by which thou callest them to thy sweet embraces in the Holy Eucharist, I offer up to thee the ready obedience, content, and happiness of the Angels. Eternal praise. &c.

11. I adore thee, never-failing Bounty and Goodness! and to repair man’s offensive diffidence in thy tender mercy, I offer up to thee the steadfast reliance and assurance of the holy Patriarchs in thy promises. Eternal praise, &c.

12. I adore thee, most amiable Jesus ! and revere the sacred mystery of the blessed Eucharist, revealed by thy divine word, taught by the Church, and proved by miracles; and to repair the doubts men have had of thy real presence in the holy sacrament, I offer up to thee the due submission shown by the Prophets to the divine oracles. Eternal praise, &c.

13. I adore thee, most tender and most amiable of all Fathers! and to make reparation for the errors and infidelities of thy Own children, I offer up to thee the faith of the Apostles. Eternal praise, &c.

14. I, adore thee, most loving Shepherd! pattern of true charity! and to make reparation for the designs of revenge conceived in defiance of thy divine prohibitions, I offer up to thee the patience and prayers of the Martyrs in favour Of their persecutors. Eternal praise, &c.

15. I adore thee, inexhaustible Fund of Treasures And to make reparation for all the robberies committed in thy churches, I offer up to thee the rich and bountiful donations of thy devout servants. Eternal praise, &c.

16. I adore thee, O most watchful Advocate! and to make reparation for the many negligences of those who have any duty in the Church to correct the abuses and irreverences there committed against thee, I offer up to thee the exact attention and careful solicitude of holy Bishops and Prelates. Eternal praise, &c.

17. I adore thee, O God of infinite Majesty! whom we can never sufficiently adore and reverence; and to make reparation for all the impious oaths pronounced against thee, I offer up to thee all the pious discourses made in thy honour by the holy Doctors of the Church. Eternal praise, &c.

18. I adore thee, most hidden and most humble Divinity! and to make reparation for all the contests, disputes, punctilios of honour, and scandal by which thou hast been offended, I offer up to thee the humility of the holy Confessors. Eternal praise, &c.

19. I adore thee, eternal Priest! whose delight is to offer sacrifice; and to make reparation for the insults and affronts done to thy priests, religious, and virgins, I offer up to thee thy own invincible patience, together with the true and fervent zeal of all good Priests and Apostolic Preachers. Eternal praise, &c.

20. I adore thee, true Bread of Angels ! and to make reparation for the sins committed against thy command of abstinence, I offer up to thee the fasts and temperance of the holy Anchorets. Eternal praise, &c.

21. I adore thee, O God of all purity! and to make reparation for all the sins which have hitherto been committed against the virtue of purity, I offer up to thee the modesty and penance of all holy religious men and women. Eternal praise, &c.

22. I adore thee, amiable Spouse of our souls! and to make reparation for all the lukewarmness and indifference shown by many, particularly in time of holy communion, I offer up to thee the raptures and ecstacies of holy virgins. Eternal praise, &c.

23. I adore thee, most worthy object of the love and affection of men and angels! and to repair the profanations committed in thy churches by the effusion of so much innocent blood, as also to make some atonement for the poor and indigent manner thou art entertained there, I offer up to thee the piety of all the blessed Saints, and the distress and want in which thy persecuted servants were. Eternal praise, &c.

24. I adore thee, Son of the ever-glorious Virgin ! and to make a general reparation, as much as lies in my power, for all the indignities thou hast suffered from men, since the institution of this adorable mystery, I have recourse to thy holy Mother, looking upon her as, under thee, the greatest and most secure refuge of sinners.

O Queen of heaven and earth ! hope of mankind, who adorest thy divine Son incessantly, I entreat thee, that since I have the honour to be of the number of thy children, thou wouldst interest thyself in our behalf, and make satisfaction for us, and in our name, to our eternal Judge, by rendering to him the duties we ourselves are incapable of performing. Amen. Eternal praise, &c.

[Will you permit me, devout soul, to recommend to your piety another most easy practice. You have, perhaps, a number of friends, and those equally engaged with you in this holy devotion. Take to yourself some of these acts, divide the others amongst these your friends. Let each recite daily, and offer up to God the acts allotted: nothing can be more agreeable to the amiable and offended Heart of your divine Saviour, or more satisfactory for so many offences daily committed against him.]