The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations/Visits to the Blessed Virgin for Every Day in the Week

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The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations (1883)
by Patrick Francis Moran
Visits to the Blessed Virgin for Every Day in the Week
3894251The Catholic Prayer Book and Manual of Meditations — Visits to the Blessed Virgin for Every Day in the Week1883Patrick Francis Moran

Visits to the Blessed Virgin


[These visits usually follow immediately after those to the Blessed Sacrament (page 421). They are made by kneeling down before the altar of the Blessed Virgin in the Church, or before any image of hers, in whatever place it may be, and making use devoutly of the following reflections and prayers. Those who cannot always have access to the Church, will do well to keep a small image for this purpose in some retired part of the house.]


A FERTILE source of blessings which it is our great happiness to possess, is Mary, our Mother, so rich in goods and graces, Bays St. Bernard, that there is not a man in the world who does not participate in them. We all receive of her fulness. God himself has filled her with grace, as the Angel said to her, “ Hail! full of grace! ” It is not for herself alone, but for us also, adds St. Peter Chrysologus, that she received this great treasure of grace, so that afterwards she might communicate it to her devout followers in every age.

Prayer of St. Ephraim.

O QUEEN of the universe, and most bountiful sovereign! thou art the great advocate of sinners, the sure port of those who have suffered shipwreck, the resource of the world, the ransom of captives, the solace of the weak, the comfort of the afflicted, the refuge and salvation of every creature. O! full of grace! enlighten my understanding, and loosen my tongue, that I may recount thy praises, and sing to thee that angelical salutation which thou dost so justly merit. Hail! thou who art the peace, the joy, the consolation of the whole world! Hail! Paradise of delight, the sure asylum of all who are in danger, the source of grace, the mediatrix between God and man!

Short prayer to remember and repeat. — “ Refuge of sinners, take pity on me.”

At the end of each visit, repeat the following prayer, in order to obtain the powerful patronage of the Mother of God:

MOST holy and immaculate Virgin, my Mother Mary, it is to thee, the Mother of my God, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, and the refuge of sinners, that I have recourse to-day: I, who am the most miserable of all. I love thee, O most amiable Sovereign, and for the love I bear thee, I promise to serve thee always, and do all in my power to make others love thee also. I place in thee, after God, all my hopes. I confide my salvation to thy care. Accept me for thy servant, and receive me under thy mantle, O mother of mercy, and since thou art so powerful with God, deliver me from all temptations, or at least obtain for me the strength to triumph over them until death. Obtain for me. I beseech thee, a perfect love for Jesus Christ. To thee I look for grace to make a good death. O my Mother, by the love which thou bearest to God, I beseech thee to help me at all times, and particularly at the decisive moment of death. Do not leave me until thou seest me safe in heaven, occupied in blessing thee, and singing thy mercies throughout eternity. Amen.


"WHOSOEVER is a little one, let him come to me.” ( Prov . ix.) Mary engages all those children who have need of a mother to come to her, as to the most tender of all mothers. The love of all the mothers in the world, says the pious Nieremberg, is no more than a shadow compared with that love which Mary bears to each one of us. My mother! mother of my soul! thou who, after God, lovest me and desirest my salvation more than all the world beside: O my Mother! show thyself to be indeed a mother.

Prayer of St. Bernard.

MOST sweet and amiable Mary, no one can pronounce thy name without feeling the greatest desire to love thee; and those who do love thee, cannot call thee to mind without being animated to love thee more. Pray for us to thy divine Son, that he may vouchsafe to strengthen our weakness: no one is better entitled to speak in our favour to thy God, and ours, than thyself, who art the nearest to him. Intercede, then, for us, O blessed Mother, because thy Son hears thee, and thou canst obtain whatever thou wilt ask.

Short prayer, etc. — “O Mary, obtain for me the grace to have constant recourse to thee.”

(Conclude as on page 438.)


O SWEETEST, most compassionate, and most amiable Sovereign! with what tender confidence St. Bernard inspires me, when I have recourse to thee! Thou dost not examine, he says, the merits of each one that has recourse to thy goodness, but thou dost promise help to all who will pray to thee. Thou wilt hear me willingly therefore if I pray. Behold, then, my petition! Listen: I am a poor sinner, and deserve a thousand hells. I desire, however, to change my life; I wish to love that God whom I have so much offended. I consecrate myself to thy service, I give myself to thee, all miserable as I am. O then, save now a penitent who is thine, and no more his own. O my Queen, hast thou heard me? Indeed, I hope thou hast both heard and blessed me.

Prayer of St. Germain.

MOST holy Virgin! who art the greatest consolation that I receive from God; thou who art the heavenly dew which assuages all my pains; thou who art the light of my soul when it is enveloped in darkness; thou who art my guide in unknown paths the support of my weakness, my treasure in poverty, my remedy in sickness, my comfort in trouble, my refuge in misery, and the hope of my salvation: hear my supplications, have pity on me as becomes the Mother of so good a God, and obtain for me the favourable reception of all my petitions at the throne of mercy.

Short prayer, etc. — “ O merciful! O pious! O sweet Virgin Mary.”

(Conclude as on page 438.)


ST. Bernard says, that Mary is that celestial ark which will surely save us from the wreck of eternal damnation, if we only take refuge there in time. The ark which saved Noe from the universal deluge was the type of Mary; but, says Hesychius, Mary is an ark more vast, more powerful, and more charitable. The ark of Noe could only receive the few men and animals who were saved in it, but Mary receives and saves with certainty all those who take refuge under her mantle. How unhappy should we be if we had not Mary; but, O my Queen, how many souls are lost? And why? Because they do not have recourse to thee. Who would ever be lost that had recourse to thee?

Prayer of St. Anselm.

HELP us, O Queen of mercy, without regarding the multitude of our sins. Remember that our Creator took of thee a human body, not to condemn, but to save sinners. Hadst thou been chosen to be the Mother of God for thy own benefit alone, thou mightest then be said to have no particular interest in our salvation; but God clothed himself in thy flesh for the sake of all mankind. Help us, therefore, and protect us. Thou knowest the need which we have of thy assistance, and we earnestly recommend ourselves to thy prayers. Pray that we may not be eternally lost, but with thee may love and serve Jesus Christ for ever.

Short prayer, etc. — “ O Mary, all my hopes are placed on thee.”

(Conclude as on page 438.)


WHAT comfort I find in my troubles, how I am consoled in my sorrows, what strength I find in my temptations, when I think of thee, and call thee to my aid, O my sweet and holy mother, Mary! O Saints of Paradise, you had great reason to give my Sovereign Lady the beautiful names of “ Harbour of the Afflicted,” like St. Ephrem; “ Remedy of our Misery,” and “Consolation of the Unhappy,” like St. Bonaventure; “End of our tears,” like St. Germain. Dear Mary, console me, then, for I see myself all covered with sins, and surrounded by enemies, without virtue, and grown cold in the love of God. Comfort me, comfort me! Bring me the consolation which springs from the beginning of a new life, a life truly pleasing to thy Son and to thee.

Prayer of St. John Damancen.

HAIL, Mary! thou hope of Christians. Hear the petition of a sinner who wishes to love thee with the greatest tenderness, and to honour thee as thou deservest, and who reposes in thee, next after God, his hope of salvation. Indebted as I am to thee for the preservation of my life, I entreat thee to restore me to the grace of thy divine Son. Thou art the surest pledge of my salvation; deliver me, then, by thy prayers, from the heavy load of my sins. Disperse the darkness of my understanding; banish every inordiriate affection from my heart; repress the temptations of my spiritual enemies, and so order my life, that, under thy protection, I may arrive at eternal repose in heaven.

Short Prayer, etc. — "Change my heart, Mary, my Mother, thou canst do it.”

(Conclude as on page 438.)


ST. Bernard assures us that the charity of Mary towards us could not be more tender nor more powerful than it is, for her heart is always full of compassion for us, and her good will is accompanied with power to help us. So, then, most pure and virgin Queen, thou art rich in power and rich in compassion. Thou art both able and desirous to save us all. I will pray to thee to-day and always in the words of the devout Blosius: O my Sovereign, protect me in my combats, fortify me in my weakness. O most holy Mary, in this great contest which I sustain against hell, aid me always: but if ever thou seest me wavering and ready to yield, O my Sovereign, stretch out thy hand to me without delay, and sustain me more powerfully. O God, what temptations still remain to be surmounted until death! Ah! Mary, my refuge, my strength, and my hope, never permit that I should lose the grace of God, for I am resolved, in all my temptations, to have always immediate recourse to thee.

Prayer of St. Bernard.

REMEMBER, Mary, that it was never heard of, that a sinner had fled to thy protection, and had been abandoned by thee. O Mother of God, thou prayest for all; pray, then, for me, who am the greatest of sinners, and therefore have the greatest need of thy intercession.

Short prayer , etc. — “ Help me, Mary! Mary, help me!”

(Conclude as on page 438.)


THE blessed Amadeus says that Mary, our most glorious Queen, remains continually in the presence of God, as our advocate, interposing in our favour the assistance of her prayers, which are all-powerful before him. For, he continues, she sees our miseries and our dangers, and in her clemency this amiable Sovereign has pity on us, and comes to our aid with a mother’s love. O my advocate, and my most tender mother, it is then true that thou seest the miseries of my soul, the dangers by which I am surrounded, and that thou prayest for me. Pray, yes, pray on, and do not cease to pray, until thou seest me safe in paradise, there occupied in praising thee. The pious Blosius assures me that thou art, after Jesus, the sure salvation of those who are thy faithful servants. Ah! the grace which I ask of thee to-day is, that thou wilt grant to me the happiness to be thy faithful slave until death, in order that after death I may go to bless thee in heaven, certain there to be no more exposed to stray away from thy sacred feet, so long as God is God.

Prayer of St. Hildefonsus.

O MY Sovereign. and Mother of my God, thou art blessed amongst all women, pure amongst all virgins, and queen of all the heavenly host: all nations call thee blessed. Vouchsafe that I may publish as much as possible thy greatness, that I may love thee to the utmost of my power, and that I may serve thee with all the capacity of my soul.

Short prayer, etc.—“O that I may learn to praise thee, most sacred Virgin!”

(Conclude as on page 438.)