The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Kipling, Rudyard

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1587314The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Kipling, RudyardC. Hayavadana Rao

Kipling Rudyyrd; LL.D., Hon. D.Litt, another, awarded Noble, Prize for Literature, 1907; b. Bombay, 1865; s. of J. Lookwood Kipling, C.I.E.; m. Caroline Starr Balestier, 1892, educ; 1892; United Services Coll., Westward Ho, N. Devon; Assist. editor, Civil and Military Gazette and Pioneer, 1882-89; travelled in China, Japan, America, Africa, and Australasia. Publications: Departmental Dittes; Plain Tales from the Hills; Soldiers Three, In Black and White, The Story of the Gadsbys, Under the Deodars, Phantom Rickshaw; Wee Willie Winkie; Life’s Handicap, The Light that Failed; Barrack-Room Ballads, Many Inventions, The Jungle Book; Second Jungle Book, The Seven Seas, Captains Caurageous, The Day’s Work, Stalky and Co, From Sea to Sea (reprint of newspaper articles), The Five Nations, Traffics and Discoveries, Puck of Pook’s Hill, Actions and Reaction, Rewards and Fairies. Address: Bateman’s Burwash, Sussex, Club: Athenxum.