The New Student's Reference Work/South Carolina, University of

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1912069The New Student's Reference Work — South Carolina, University of

South Carolina, University of, was chartered in 1801 and opened in 1805. It closed in 1863 and in 1877. In 1865 departments of medicine and law were added. In 1878 the university divided into South Carolina College and Claflin College, the first for white, the second for colored students. In 1882 new departments were added to South Carolina College, it ceasing to be merely a college of agriculture and mechanical arts, and in 1884 a law-school was added. In 1887 a college of pharmacy, a graduate department and a normal school were added. In 1890 the agricultural, mechanical, medical and normal courses were dropped, but in 1894 the last were restored. The university offers courses (1) in classics, Latin and science, Latin and literature or modern literature; (2) in mathematics, chemistry or chemistry and biology; (3) in normal studies; (4) in law; and (5) in graduate studies. The state gives 41 scholarships, one to each county, for normal students, and there are 12 other scholarships. The faculty numbers 25, the students 385 and the library 38,000 volumes. The college has no productive funds. Its income in 1907 was $61,756.