
An Act for granting Her Majesty certain sums of money... (1868)/Schedule B

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Sums granted to Her Majesty by this Act, for the Financial Year 1868-9, and the purposes for which they are granted.
Service. Amount. Total.
$     cts. $     cts.
Civil Government.
Lieutenant Governors of the Provinces
30,000 00
Total Salaries and Contingencies of the Departments of Civil Government, to be distributed under the provisions of the Civil Service and Contingencies Acts
550,000 00
Total Salaries and Contingencies of the Local Branches; of the several Departments of Civil Government at Halifax and St. John, to be distributed under the provisions of the Civil Service and Contingencies Acts
22,700 00
          Total Civil Government
.   .   .   .   . 602,700 00
Administration of Justice.
To enable additions to be made to the Salaries of certain Judges in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, for the year 1868-9
8,000 00
Circuit allowances and contingent expenses, Ontario.
13,000 00
Do.     Quebec
l2,000 00
Do.     Nova Scotia
1 600 00
Do.     New Brunswick
2,000 00
Secret and Detective Service
75,000 00
Frontier and other Police
25,000 00
Harbour, River and Government Police, Quebec and Montreal
30,000 00
Miscellaneous Charges of Justice
10,000 00
          Total Administration of Justice
.   .   .   .   . 176,600 00
136,471 55
General Lunatic Asylum
50,861 68
Penitentiary, Nova Scotia
20,000 00
Do,     New Brunswick
30,000 00
Directors of Penitentiaries
8,400 00
          Total Penitentiaries
.   .   .   .   . 245,733 23
Senate, Salaries and Contingencies
67,533 63
House of Commons, Salaries and Contingencies
201,490 00
Printing and binding Statutes
20,000 00
                    Carried forward
289,023 63 1,025,033 23

Service. Amount. Total.
$     cts. $     cts.
                    Brought forward
289,023 63 1,025,033 23
Salary and Contingencies of Clerk of Crown in Chancery
2,120 00
Grant to Parliamentary Library
6,000 00
Miscellaneous printing
2,000 00
          Total Legislation
.   .   .   .   . 299,143 63
Scientific Institutions.
Observatory, Quebec
2,450 00
Do.     Toronto
4,800 00
Do.     Kingston
500 00
Do.     Montreal
500 00
Observatories, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
1,500 00
          Total Scientific Institutions
.   .   .   .   . 9,750 00
Arts, Agriculture and Statistics.
Expenses in connection with preparation for the Census
4,000 00
Sir W. E. Logan, to refund to him price of Geological Collection sold at Paris
500 00 00
Expenses of Collecting Statistics of Births, Marriages and Deaths
2,500 00
          Total Arts, Agriculture & Statistics
.   .   .   .   . 7,000 00
Immigration and Quarantine.
Salaries and Contingencies of Immigration Office, Quebec
14,750 00
Quarantine, Quebec
15,055 00
Expenses of Quarantine, Halifax and St. John
7,000 00
          Total Immigration and Quarantine
.   .   .   .   . 36,805 00
Militia and Gunboats.
Salaries of Military Branch and District Staff.
54,000 00
Do.     Brigade Majors
25,000 00
Do.     Drill Instructors
50.000 00
Military Schools
120,000 00
50,000 00
Clothing (annual rate)
75,000 00
Military Stores (annual rate)
55,000 00
Public Armouries and care of arms
50,000 00
Drill pay and Camp purposes, and other incidental expenses connected with drill and training of Militia.
327,000 00
                    Carried forward
806,000 00 1,377,731 86

Service. Amount. Total.
$     cts. $     cts.
                    Brought forward
806,000 00 1,377,731 86
Militia and Gunboats.Continued.
Taking the enrolment, ballot and other unforeseen expenses of the Regular Militia
65,000 00
Contingencies and general service not otherwise provided for, including assistance to Rifle Associations
53,000 00
Barrack accommodation, rent, &c.
80,000 00
Military survey
2,607 00
10,000 00
25,000 00
          Total Militia, and Gunboats
.   .   .   .   . 1,041,607 00
Saml. Waller, late Clerk, House of Assembly
400 00
L. Gagné, Messenger, House of Assembly
72 00
John Bright, Messenger, House of Assembly
80 00
Mrs. Antrobus
800 00
P. Bouchard, for wounds received
100 00
New Militia Pensions.
Caroline McEachern and five children
319 00
Jane Lakey
146 00
Rhoda Smith
110 00
Janet Alderson
110 00
Mary McKenzie
80 00
Mary A. Richey and three children
192 00
Mary Morisen
80 00
Louise Prudhomme and two children
130 00
Virginie Charon and four children
37 50
Paul M. Robins
146 00
Chs. Thos. Bell
73 00
A. M. Oliphant
109 50
Charles Lugden
91 24
John White
109 50
Thos. Charters
91 24
Samuel McCrag
109 50
Charles Thos. Robertson
110 00
Percy Gore Routh
400 00
Rich. Launders King
400 00
Geo. Allen McKenzie
73 00
Edward Hilder
146 00
Fergus Scholfield
73 00
John Bradley
109 50
Richard Pentecost
91 24
John Cole
109 50
George Prentice
400 00
George Elliott
73 00
James Bryan
109 50
Jacob Stubbs
73 00
Mary D. Connor
110 00
                    Carried forward
5,664 22 2,419,338 86

Service. Amount. Total.
$     cts. $     cts.
                    Brought forward
5,664 22 2,419,338 86
New Militia Pensions.Continued.
Mary Hodgins and three children
191 00
John Martin
110 00
Additional claims before Council
1,810 00
Compensation to Pensioners in lieu of laud
9,450 00
          Total Pensions
.   .   .   .   . 17,225 22
Public Works.
Stock, Western Extension, European and North American Railway
120,000 00
Subsidy, Windsor and Annapolis R. R.
500,000 00
Do.     Western Extension, E. & N. A. R. R.
500,000 00
Do.     Eastern     do     do
290,000 00
Do.     Fredericton Branch
215,000 00
Do.     Woodstock Branch
50,000 00
Halifax, Truro and Pictou Railway
80,000 00
European and N. American Railway
20,000 00
Intercolonial Railway Survey
75,000 00
Canals 223,000 00
Public Buildings.
Parliament and Departmental Buildings.
100,000 00
Rideau Hall
107,000 00
Public Buildings generally
25.000 00
Harbors, Piers and Light Houses 120,000 00
Roads and Bridges 6 000 00
Slides and Booms 15,000 00
Rents and Repairs of Public Works and Buildings 80,500 00
Surveys and Inspections 15 000 00
Arbitrations and Awards 14,000 00
Miscellaneous charges not otherwise provided for
10,000 00
          Total Public Works
.   .   .   .   . 2,565,500 00
Ocean and River Steam Service.
Tug service between Montreal and Kingston
12,100 00
                    Carried forward
12,100 00 5,002,064 08

Service. Amount. Total.
$     cts. $     cts.
                    Brought forward
12,100 00 5,002,064 08
Ocean and River Steam Service.—Continued.
Dominion Steamers.
Maintenance and repairs of Steamers, Quebec
60,000 00
Maintenance of Steamer "Druid," Halifax, and Charter of "Piscator"
24,000 00
Steam Communication, N. S. and N. B.
Between P. E. Island and Port Hood
1,600 00
Halifax and St. John
10,000 00
Windsor and St. John, Digby and Annapolis
4,000 00
Halifax and Newfoundland
1,500 00
Pictou and Magdalen Islands
400 00
New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island
1,000 00
Quebec and Maritime Provinces
15,000 00
          Total Ocean and River Steam Service
.   .   .   .   . 129,600 00
Light Houses and Coast Service.
Trinity House, Quebec
41,752 00
Do.     Montreal
26,000 00
Maintenance of Light Houses above Montreal
43,000 00
Guides to Travellers, Kempt Road
400 00
Light Houses, New Brunswick
19,000 00
Light Houses, Nova Scotia
56,500 00
Buoys, Beacons & Signal Stations, N. S.
2,200 00
Do.     do.     N. B.
4,650 00
Humane establishments, Sable and Seal Islands
8,120 00
Cape Race Light
3,000 00
          Total Light Houses, &c.
.   .   .   .   . 204,622 00
Marine Hospitals, &c.
Marine Hospital Quebec
20,000 00
Do.     St. Johns. St. Andrews and other ports.
9,500 00
Maintenance of Sick and Disabled Seamen sent to General Hospital, Halifax.
5,000 00
Shipwrecked and Distressed Seamen
2,500 00
          Total, Marine Hospitals, &c.
.   .   .   .   . 37,000 00
Expenses of Schooner "La Canadienne"
10,800 00
Salaries and Disbursements of Fishery Overseers, Ontario and Quebec
12,000 00
                    Carried forward
22,800 00 5,373,286 08

Service. Amount. Total.
$     cts. $     cts.
                    Brought forward
22,800 00 5,373,286 08
Fishways and Oyster Beds
4,000 00
Salaries and Disbursements of Fishery Overseers, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
10,000 00
          Total Fisheries
.   .   .   .   . 36,800 00
Culling Timber.
Salaries and Contingencies of Culler's Office
.   .   .   .   . 75,000 00
Railway and Steamboat Inspection.
Railways, Salaries and Contingencies
3,550 00
Steamboats     do
8,000 00
          Total Railway and Steamboat Inspection
.   .   .   .   . 11,550 00
Seigniorial Indemnities.
Expenses of Seigniorial Commission
.   .   .   .   . 6,000 00
New Indian Annuities, Ontario
4,400 00
Annual Grant to Indians, Quebec
400 00
Do     do     Nova Scotia
1,300 00
Do     do     New Brunswick
1,200 00
To purchase blankets for aged and infirm Indians, Ontario and Quebec
1,100 00
          Total Indians
.   .   .   .   . 8,400 00
Unforeseen expenses; expenditure thereof to be under Order in Council, and a detailed account thereof to be laid before Parliament during the first fifteen days of the next Session
100,000 00
Miscellaneous printing
5,000 00
Advertising and subscription to Canada Gazette
8,000 00
Postages of     do
1,200 00
Slipping Master's Office, Quebec
1,200 00
Expenses connected with Confederation and Imperial legislation thereon
93,912 44
Towards cost of Confederation Medal
2,000 00
          Total Miscellaneous
.   .   .   .   . 211,312 44
                    Carried forward
.   .   .   .   . 5,722,348 52

Service. Amount. Total.
$     cts. $     cts.
                    Brought forward
.   .   .   .   . 5,722,348 52
Collection of Revenues.
Salaries and Contingencies of Customs, to he distributed in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Service Act
488,261 00
Commutation in lieu of remission of duties on articles imported for the use of the Army and Navy and Officers' Mess, to be apportioned by Order in Council
75,000 00
563,261 00
Inland Revenue, Salaries of permanent officers, to be distributed in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Service Act
109,000 00
     Do     travelling and other contingent expenses
49,550 00
158,550 00
Post Office
.   .   .   .   . 751,000 00
Public Works, Maintenance and Repairs, Ontario and Quebec
329,695 49
     Do     Nova Scotia
240,000 00
     Do     New Brunswick
125,000 00
694,695 49
Minor Revenues
.   .   .   .   . 12,000 00
.   .   .   .   . 7,901,855 01