Notes on the churches in the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey/General Index

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Some references on this page use a superscript 1, this is due to a duplication of page numbering 347 to 349 within the work, and the references are to the former set of pages in the Addenda.



Abbott, Archb. Geo. 332.
Abingdon 50.
Aben 50.
Abraham and Isaac xiii.
Acca, Bishop ix, xi.
Aclea, Acclea 156, 157.
Acton chancel 126.
Adams, Rich. 98.
Addington, Kent 19, 138.
Surrey 318.
Adelissa, Q. 189.
Adesham 19.
Ædilberga 92, 322.
Ædilvalch, K. 172, 284.
Æffehaga 91.
Æilentune 139.
Æinesford 138.
Æisce 138.
Æischerste 138.
Ælfsin 284.
Ælla, K. 108, 284.
Ælteham 139.
Aeries of Hawks 335.
Æsca 55.
Æscesburah 259.
Æschore 91.
Æslingham 139..
Æthelbert, K. 136, 306.
Æthelstan, K. 69.
Ætheluulf, K. 137.
Æthelwald, Bp. 322.
Ailesford 138.
Aiglessa 25.
Ailmer, J. 65.
Alan, Vicar 32, 128.
Albourne 183.
Albury 318.
Alcher, Fitz Aucher, or Albuger 108, 109, 112.
Alciston 183, 255.
Aldingbourne 184.
Aldington vii, note; 19, 34, 83, 150.
Aldrie 107.
Aldrington 184.
Aldyngborne 285.
Ale, Welsh 345.
Alfred, K. xi, xii note.
Arnold, W. 193.
Alfrey, W. 306.
Alfriston 184.
Alfwic, Abbot 44.
Alington Chap. 252.
Alkham 19.
Allchorn 211.
All Saints 21, 117, 135.
Chapel 318.
Allesolven Chap. 137.
Allhallows 20, 81, 139 bis.
Allingham 24
Allington 20, 139.
Chapel 211, 251.
Almodington 186.
Alnaitone 21.
Altar Cloth 62.
Amando, R. de 101
Amberle 285.
Amberley 186, 240.
Anderida, Andred, Forest of 1, 47, 91, 93, 113, 171.
Andredesceaster 108, 110, 111.
Andredswald, Wood of 109 note.
Andrew, J. 77.
Andrew's, St. Church 227.
Hosp. 80.
Chap 263
Androgen 59.
Andscohesham 153.
Anfridi Capella 67, 138.
Angemeringum 186.
Angles 25, 55.
Anglo-Saxon Churches viii, ix, x, xi, xiv, 3, 21, 157, 199, 203, 215, 229, 234, 250, 262, 287, 308, 319, 342, 346.
Angmering, East 186.
Chantry 186.
West 187.
Anne's, St., Chap. 98
Anne of Cleves, Q,. 29.
Annington 233.
Anschitill, Archdeac. 103.
Apledore 3, 21, 93, 262.
Appledram 188.
Apse 48, 66, 100, 155, 245, 258, 300, 308, 331,
Apulton Chantry 84.
Architects viii, ix.
Ardernes 335.
Ardern, R. de 253.
Ardingly 188, 252.
Arlington, and Chap. 188.
Armilla 209.
Armoricans x note.
Arviragus 160.
Arundel 189.
Castle and Chap. 189.
Rich. Earl of 189.
Forest 189.
Aschongum 191.
Ash, near Sandwich 23, 166.
near Wrotham 23, 138.
Surrey 329, 332.
Ashburne, The 191.
Ashburnham 190.
Ashdown Forest 235.
Ashenfield (Eshmerfield) Chap. 163.
Ashford 23.
College 23.
Ashington 191, 208.
Ashurst, Kent 23, 138.
Sussex 191.
Assarts 78.
Asser, Bp. 220.
Athelwold, Bp. 344.
Atherington 217.
Athol, Countess of 23.
Auberville, Sir W. de 88.
Audintone 24, 160.
Audley, Lord 341.
Augo, Ewe, H. de 236.
Augustin, St. 42, 101, 106, 135.
Augustin's Abbey 25, 43bis, 44.
Avenel, Brit. 210.
Avery, Rich. 54.
Avisford Discoveries 298.
Awodde, J. 341.
Cast. and Hosp. 24, 25.
Aylesford 20, 24, 138.
Aylmer, J. 65.
Baa, Sir Th. de 84.
Baccancelde Synod 27.
Badlesmere 25, 191.
Priory 26.
Barthol. de 26.
Badmonden 82.
Badsell 67.
Bagshot 319.
Balcombe 252.
Baldwyn, Archb. 62, 73, 334.
Alice 96.
Peter, de 333.
Balsdean Chap. 252, 277.
Bamburgh, J. 56.
Bamme, Jone 71.
Bansted 319.
Bapchild 26.
Chap. 27.
Barcombe 252.
Barfreston 27.
Bargham 192, 252.
Barham 28, 37.
Down 59.
Barindena 138.
Barking Abbey 322.
Barming 28, 139.
West, Barnjet 28, 107, 140.
Barnack x, 308.
Barnes 319.
Barnham 192.
Bartelotts 293.
Bartlett, T. & E. 197.
Bartholomew's, St., Chap 206, 252.
Hosp. 48.
Barton 187.
Eliz. 65.
Bassus 135.
Bateman's 210.
Bathurst, L. 82.
Battersea 319.
Battle, and Abbey 192, 193.
Abbot of 76, 168.
Hall 89.
Judicial 76.
Bayeux Tapestry 203.
Bayham Abbey 81, 87, 230.
Beadyngham 194.
Beantesteda Chap. 83, 140.
Bearmlinges-getes 140.
Beaufitz, Sir J., and W. 71.
Beaulieu Abbey 38, 82, 126.
Beautifying Churches xviii note, 330.
Beccaule 197.
Beccheham 138.
Beckenham 27, 138.
Becket, Archb. 45.
Beddingham 194, 228, 259.
Beddington 319.
Bedgebury, J. 72.
Bedingehommes 194.
Bedning 194.
Beechwood Chap. 251.
Beeding 194.
Belandre Chap. 252.
Belemeyns, J. 127, 128, 129.
Benedict Biscop ix, x, xi.
Benefelle 297.
Benenden 28.
Benfold 233.
Bennanham 259.
Bensted 83, 140.
Bentley 328.
Bepton 196.
Bercta, Q. 101.
Berctuald, Archb. 135.
Bergham Ch. 252.
Bergher, Ch. 319, 320.
Berhamdune 59.
Berhtwald, Duke 227, 238, 275, 276.
Berlingis 138.
Bermondsey 320.
Abbey 34, 68, 320.
Bernys, J. 148.
Bersted 28.
South 196.
North, Chap. 196.
Bertin's, St., Priory 160.
Bertredtone 197.
Berwick 197.
Best, P. and R. 337.
Betchworth 320.
Bethersden 29.
Chantry 29.
Betshanger 29.
Beverlye, Rob. 81.
Bewley 34.
Bexhill 197.
Bexley 29, 139.
Bicknor 29, 70.
Bidborough 29, 89, 138.
Biddenden 32.
Bidlyngton Hosp. 206.
Bignor 197.
Free Chap. 197.
Billinghurst 197.
Bilsington 33.
Bilsom Chap. 309.
Binderton 197b., 220.
Binsted 198.
Birchington 33, 107, 167.
Birchington Stephen 117.
Bircholt vii note, 33.
Birdham 245.
Birling 34, 126, 138.
Bischoptre, E. 150.
Bishopstone 158, 198.
Bisley 323, 324.
Bitteberga -ge Chap. 30, 31, 138.
Bixle 139.
Blackmanstone 34.
Blackwose 116.
Bladicdone, J. 165.
Blase, St., Chap. 98.
Blatchington, East 200.
West 201, 252.
Bleatham 224.
Boarzell 296.
Bockinfield Chap. 40.
Bodiam 201.
Castle 201.
Bogelei 34, 103.
Bognor Chap. 196.
Bog Timber 116.
Bohun, Sir J. 223.
Bolebroke 235.
Boleyn, Sir T. 79.
Boniface, Archb. 97.
Boothe, Bp. 333.
Borden 35.
Boreham Chap. 301, 302.
Boresfield 35.
Bormer 209.
Bosanhamm 204.
Bosham 202, 319.
Botolph's 204.
Boughton Blean 35, 79.
Chaps. 35.
Hosp. 35.
Malherb 34, 35, 36.
Boulogne 93.
Eust. Count of 61.
Bourne, Bekes 37.
Man. Chap. 37.
Bishop's 37.
East 204.
Little 37.
North 37.
Patrick's 37.
Town Field 145.
West 205.
Bowls, ancient 79, 239.
Boxoran 259.
Boxgrove viii, 205.
Chaps. 207.
Priory 205.
Boxley 38.
Abbey 38, 62.
Hill 25.
Boys, Vine, and W. 72.
Brabourne 38.
Brackelsham 205.
Bradesteda 138.
Bradsole 134.
Bræncesle 138.
Braiose, Sir J. 305.
Th. Lord 240.
W. de 233.
Bramber 204, 205, 206.
Cast 206, 302.
Brambletye Ho. 231.
Bramley 320.
Brasses, 19bis, 23tris, 24, 28, 29b, 33, 34, 39b, 40b, 41, 44, 476, 486, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 62, 646, 65, 67, 71, 72b, 74 tr, 77, 78, 79b, 81, 82, 83tr, 85tr, 89tr, 91, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 1056, 107, 116, 1206, 121, 127b, 129, 133, 143, 144b, 147, 148, 149, 150b, 151, 153, 154, 155, 157, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165tr, 166, 167, 168, 186, 188, 189, 192, 197, 206b, 207, 210b, 215, 218, 224, 229, 230, 231, 240, 241, 251, 263, 269, 272, 279, 286, 293, 297, 300, 304, 305b, 318, 319tr, 320, 321, 325b, 326b, 327b, 328, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338b, 339b, 340b, 341b, 342b, 343, 344, 346b, 347.
Brasted 39, 138.
Brato, T. 120.
Bray, Alic. 48.
Elyn 342.
Braybrook, Reg. 51.
Braydforde, J. 251.
Brazen Serpent xiii.
Breccesle Ch. 310.
Brede 206.
Place Chap. 206.
Bredgar 39.
College 39.
Bredhurst 40, 81.
Brenchley 40, 138, 169, 170.
Brennet, The 159.
Brenzet 41.
Brestelye Ch. 310.
Breslig Ch. 252.
Bricet, Sir W. 236.
Brickwall Ho. 263.
Bridham 285.
Bridge 37,41.
Chap. Roch. 137.
Hosp. 334.
Brighton 206, 252.
Brihtwald, Archb. 27.
Brimfaston 285.
Bristol, Mayor's Chap, at 105.
Britons x note, 25, 55, 108.
Brittenden 109 note.
Broadhurst Chantry 240.
Broadstairs Chap. 130.
Broadwater 207, 309.
Brock, J. 328.
Brockhull, H. 24.
Broke, J. 51.
Brokhill, T. 144.
Bromehill 134.
Bromfield 41, 89.
Bromlega 139.
Bromley 41, 139.
Brooke 41.
T. 51.
Sir W. 52.
Brookland 42.
Brordan 344.
Broyle Pla. 274.
Brun, R. de 48.
Bryene, W. de 147.
Buckhurst, Ho. and Chap. 306.
Buckland, near Dover 42.
Hosp. 42.
Buckland, near Faversham 42.
Bucksteep Chap. 301.
Buddington Chap. 252.
Bullingminster 249.
Bulverhithe 197, 208.
Buncton 197, 208.
Burcham 138.
Burgemere 208, 252.
Burgham Chap. 201.
Burgherssh 210.
Burgoyn, J. 168.
Burgh, Hub. de 59.
Burh 344.
Burham 138.
Burlay Chantry 46.
Burley 35.
Burlough-low Castle 189.
Burnham 192.
Burpham 191, 210.
Burrell MSS. 231.
Burstow, and Park 321.
Burton 210, 217, 252.
Burys, W. 74.
Busbridge Chap. 329.
Joan 321.
Burwash 210.
Busshehele 323.
Buxted 210, 298.
Hosp. 211.
Byfleet 343.
Caburn, Mount 230.
Cædwalla, K. 264.
Caer Andred 109 note.
Cættham 138.
Cage Park 161.
Cakeham Chap. 307.
Calceto Priory 189.
Camden 108, 109, 113.
Camois, Th. Lord 297.
Camoys, Marg. 297.
Canons Court 116.
Cantaria 30.
Canterbury, Cantwarbyrig 42, 187.
Archdeaconry of 102.
Canteys, N. 85.
Canucus-tus, J. and R. 31, 32, 128.
Canute K. 145, 146.
K. of Denmark vi.
Capel, Kent 45, 161.
Surrey 321.
le Ferne 20, 45.
Capella juxta Tunbregge 161.
Cardiff, T. 85.
Chidingfold 323.
Carp introduced 269.
Carrew, N. and T. 319.
Carru, Nic. 319.
Carshalton 321.
Cassatus 288, 289 note.
Cassibalan, K. 59, 60.
Casteltunn 327.
West 214.
Castle Toll 109.
Chilworth 323.
Castles xv, 20, 23, 24, 37, 49, 53 6, 59, 66, 79, 87, 94, 99, 109, 124, 140, 143,144, 152, 157, 160, 161, 144, 152, 162, 186, 189b, 201, 203, 206, 225, 237, 241, 252, 257,263, 266, 275, 285, 332.
Caterham 321.
Catherine, St., Chap. 282.
Catigern 25.
Cawn, Sir T. 84.
Ceadelanwyrth 259.
Ceadwalla, K. 255, 346.
Cebeham 324.
Ceiling 268.
Celca 139.
Celibacy of clergy 4.
Cerdic, K. 247.
Cerdicesford 247.
Cerlentone 139.
Cerotæsei, Ceortesei 322.
Chailey 211.
Chaldon 321.
Chalk 139.
Challock 46, 71.
Challoner, T. and M. 279.
Champanee, M. 29.
Chanting 3.
Chantries xiii, xiv.
Chapman, W. 50.
Charford 247.
Charibert, K. 101.
Charing 46.
Charleston 220.
Charlis, Rich. 19.
Charlton, near Dover 46.
——— near Greenwich. 46.
Charner Chap. 135.
Chart, Great 46, 71.
Little 47.
next Sutton 47.
Chartham 47, 83, 104.
Chatham 47, 138.
Cheam 322.
Chebeham 323.
Chelsfield 48, 139.
Chelsham 322.
Cheney, Bart. de 224.
Cheriton 48, 116.
Cherryng, Ad. de 143.
Chertsey 322.
Abbey 322.
Chesilheld Chap. 35.
Chesilhurst 48, 138.
Chessington 323.
Chests, Church 75, 217, 286, 295, 325.
Cheyne, Marg. 79.
Chichester 187, 211.
Rob. of 87.
Chidham 213.
Chidingly 213.
Place 213.
Chiddingstone 139.
Child, Aylwin 320.
Chilgrove Chap. 220.
Chilham 49, 107.
Chillenden 49.
Chiltington, East 214.
Chipsted 324.
Chislet 49.
Chitebroc Chap. 46, 139b.
Chithurst 214, 244.
Chobham 323, 324.
Ch. Ch. Oxford 76.
Christe, J. 164.
Churches omitted in (D. B.) viii.
destroyed by storms 253.
Churchset viii, 244.
Chylton, T. 116.
Cidingstane 139.
Cifanlea 259.
Cilesfeld 139.
Cimisinga 138.
Cirotesegt 323.
Ciselherste 138.
Cissa, K. 213.
Ciuilinga 138.
Civilization 3.
Clampard, T. 164.
Clandon, East 324.
West 324.
Clapham, Sussex 214.
Clare, Gilb. Earl of 276.
Rich, de 40, 161, 170.
Rog. de 161.
Clarembald, Abbot 68.
Clareval Abbey 38.
Clarke, J. 116.
Clayton 215, 245.
Clemens, Sanctus 138.
Clement, Sir Rich. 85.
Clement's, St., Ch. 138.
Clerk, Nic. 319.
Cliffe 49, 139.
St. Marg. at viii, 51.
St. Tho. at 216.
West 51.
Chap. 51, 139.
Clifton Hoo 50.
Climping 216.
Climsden 304, 305.
Cliue 139.
Cloveshoo 50, 51.
Coates 210, 217, 252.
Cobbeham 139.
Cobham, Kent 51, 139.
Coll. 52.
Family 51.
———— 336.
Surrey 324.
Reg. Lord 336.
Sir H. de 149.
J. de 79.
Cocking 217.
Cod, Th. 101.
Codeham 138.
Codunandi 333.
Cokham Chap. 288.
Cokyn's Hospital 45.
Cokyram, Rob 96.
Colbridge Castle 37.
Colleges 23, 39, 52, 59, 73, 97, 163, 166b, 169, 189, 203, 231, 255, 335, 336b.
Colred 52, 126, 149.
Columba viii.
Coly, Th. 39.
Comba Chap. 139b.
Combe Chap. 46, 72, 139.
Bank 123, 155.
East and West 46, 72, 91.
Combwell Abbey 72.
Commanderies 156, 257, 269.
Compton, Sussex 217, 252.
Surrey 324.
Cookham Hosp. 287.
Coponora 227.
Corbet, Lady Had. 296.
Corby, J. 207.
Corhampton xiv, 90, 308, 309.
Cornhill, Reg. de 84.
Coronet, ancient 101.
Cosington Chap. 24, 138.
Cosingtone, Step. 24.
Cosmus, St. 52.
Cossale, Isab. 54.
Cosyngton, J. and S. 24.
Cotmanton Chap. 149.
Couhyll, Eliz. 89.
Coulsdon 325, 343.
Courtenay, Archb. W. 83, 97.
Covert, J., J., and R. 286.
Sir W. de 294.
Cowden 52, 138.
Cowdray Chap. 224.
Cowfield, H. 146.
Cowfold 218.
Cowling 53, 81, 139.
Castle 53.
Craie Chap. 140.
Cranbrook 53.
Cranford, E. 340.
Cranley 325.
Cray, Foot's 54, 139.
St. Mary 54, 124, 148.
North 139, 142.
St. Paul's 54.
Rodulfe's 139.
Crayford 54, 138.
Crawley 195, 196, 218.
Cretenersce 140.
Crevecoeur, Ham. de 40, 152.
Rob. de 41.
Rob. and Ad. 89.
Crofton Church 124.
Crompthorne, Th. 146.
Cromwell, Th. Lord 291.
Cross, St. xv.
Cross, Stone 57, 72, 185, 212, 233, 267, 336.
Crowell 218.
Crowhurst, Sussex 218.
Surrey 325.
Crown Inn, Rochester 141.
Croydon 326.
Palace, Chap., and Park 326.
Crucifixion, The xiii, 283.
Crundale 55.
Cryppys, Marg. 33.
Crysford, W. 225.
Cryspe 33.
Cuckfield 218.
Cuclestena 138.
Cuddington 326.
Cudena 138.
Cudham 55, 138.
Cudlaw 217, 219.
Cudman, St. 293.
Cudred, K. 91.
Culbone, W. 67.
Culinga 139.
Culpeper, Sir E. 188.
Eliz. 127.
Eliz. 188.
Eliz. 188.
N. and E. 188.
Culpeper, R. and M. 188.
Culverhawe 101.
Cumbe 91.
Cumptune 217.
Cusintuna Chap 138, 140.
Cuthbert, Archb. 43.
Cuxton 55, 138.
Cymenesora 284.
Cyneheard 338.
Cynewulf, K. 338.
D'Abernon 341, 342.
Dacre, Th. 2d Lord 241.
Dalby, Th. 150.
Dalet, W. 96.
Dallington 219.
Forest 219.
Dalyngrudge, Sir E. 201.
Dalyson, Silv. 74.
Dane Chap. 64.
Danes 45, 69, 93, 109, 146, 157, 322, 344, 345.
Danny Ho. 241.
Darent 55, 139.
South, Chap. 55, 100, 139.
Darley, J. 79.
Dartford 56, 139, 319.
Priory, Chap. and Hosp. 56.
Daundelyon, J. 85.
Davington 56.
Priory 56.
Davy, E. 326.
Walt. 269.
Dawtry, Sir W. 234.
Deal 57.
Dean, East, East Sussex 219, 230.
West ditto 219, 341.
West Sussex 220, 286.
Debtling 57, 95.
Delce 101.
Dene, de 87, 232.
Denecourt Chap. 85.
Deniceswyrth 259.
Denis, J. 84.
St., Abbey of 275.
Denituna 139.
Denton, near Gravesend 57, 139.
Sussex 22, 221.
Sir J. de 124.
Depden Chantry 130.
Deptford 57, 139.
Deremannescirce 139.
Derente 139.
Dereuuoldestreou 139.
Dertford 139.
Th. de 56.
Devastations 171.
Dial plate 199.
Diccalingum 222.
Dictuna 138.
Dicul 203.
Didling 221, 224, 297.
Priory 63.
Dieppe 204.
Dimchurch 57.
Diozsan 306.
Ditcheninge Chap. 252.
Ditchling 221.
Chap. 222, 252.
Ditton 138.
Ditton, Long 327.
Thames 327b, 334.
Doddington 57.
Dode Church 95, 139.
Dodescirce 139.
Domesday B., origin of vi.
copy of 236,521.
Names iv, v.
Domesdei iii, note.
Domestic Buildings anterior to Q. Eliz. 22, 46, 64, 74, 79, 82, 85, 88, 89, 95, 106, 125b, 129, 130, 141, 166, 185, 204, 206, 211, 213, 214, 218, 219, 221, 226, 228, 230b, 233, 235, 241, 243, 244, 248, 253, 256, 269, 270, 272, 286, 290, 295, 297, 298, 307, 326b, 341, 345.
Domneva 106, 146.
Donington 299.
Dorking 321, 327.
Dorset, Rob. 2d Earl of 231.
Dorubrevis 136.
Doruvernis 42.
Dorwitceaster 42.
Dover 58.
Castle 59.
Church 3, 59.
Dowdes Church 95.
Down 61, 124.
Draynocott, Watur 129.
Drye, Sir W. 164.
Dudeney Chap. 311.
Dumb Borsholder 163, 164.
Duncton 223.
Dunes Abbey 62.
Dunketone 288, 289.
Dunstan's, St. 62.
Durford Abbey 235, 275.
Durrington 223.
Eadbald, K. 43, 59, 68.
Eadberct, Bp. ix.
Eadburgh 92.
Eadelmesbrege 139.
Eadgar, Edgar, K. 43, 259, 288, 322.
Eadintuna 138.
Eadred, K. 135.
Ealdinga 138.
Eanswith, St. 68.
Earhethe, Erde 138.
Eartham 223.
Earthworks, Ancient 86, 109, 111, 230, 259.
Easebourne 223, 254, 257.
Priory 223.
Eastbridge 62.
Hosp. 52, 78.
Eastchurch 62.
Eastgate Hosp. 137.
Eastling 62.
Eastry 63, 168.
Ebeney 63, 126.
Ecclesden 187.
Echinham, R. de 94.
Eckington 252, 274.
Edburton 224.
Edenbridge 63, 139, 164.
Edgiva, Q. 53.
Edingburn 184.
Edmer, Singer 78.
Edmund, St.,—Edward, St.'s Chap 56
Edward III, K. 56.
IV, K. 73.
Edwina, Abbess 249.
Eelnets 172.
Effigies 23, 29, 33, 36, 39, 47, 54, 65b, 84b, 87, 90, 95, 96b, 105, 120, 129, 146, 149, 150, 151, 155, 158, 188, 189, 202, 206, 207, 210, 223, 240b, 241, 242, 287b, 294, 305b, 318, 323, 330, 332, 336, 337, 339, 341, 342.
Egbert, K 135.
Egdean 224.
Egeham 323.
Egerton 46, 64.
Egesawyda 285.
Egham 323, 327.
Ehteham 138.
Eleutherius, Bp. 49, 60.
Elfege, Archbp. 346.
Elinor, Q. 165.
Eliot, Laur. 329.
Ellis, Th. 146.
Elmebrygge, J. 337.
Elmerugge, Th. 337.
Elmley 64.
Elmsted 64.
Elmstone 64.
Elnothington 21.
Elsted, Sussex 221, 224, 297.
Surrey 327.
Eltham 64, 139.
Palace 64.
Elthrude 91.
Elwarton Chap 153.
Ely, Church at 186.
Elyot, Rog. 341.
Elyott, H. 346.
Embankments 183.
Engeham, Th. 72.
Entingknap Fam. 323.
Epsom 327.
Epyton 193.
Erconvald, Bp. 322.
Erde 138.
Erith 64, 138.
Erundele 189.
Esher 327.
Eslingham Chap 70, 139b.
Essay Abbey 205.
Estraites 65.
Etchingham 224.
de, Fam 185, 224.
W. de 224.
Etclesley, Rich. 127.
Ethelbert, K. 42, 49, 101, 135, 136.
Ethelwolf, K. 55, 91, 140.
Eudo, Dapifer 35, 103, 121.
Evelyn, Dr. 330.
Jas 330.
Ewell, Kent .65.
Surrey 327b, 328.
Ewhurst, Sussex 201, 225.
Surrey 328.
Hou 285.
Excett 225.
Exeter 187.
Eynsford 65, 138.
Cast 66.
Eytchden 29.
Eythorne 66.
Faerningeham 138.
Fafresham, -feld 68.
Fairfield 66.
Fairlight 225.
Falconer Hurst 83.
Falkenham 139.
Falmer 208, 209, 225, 252.
Faltwell Ch. 310.
Fane, Fanne 66.
Fanners 307.
Fanscombe 66.
Farleigh, East 67, 138.
Farley 328.
Farnborough 48, 67, 139.
Farnham 328.
Farnhurst 223, 225.
Farningham 67, 122, 138.
Faversham viii, 68.
Abbey 68.
Fawkham 139.
Fearnberga Chap. 48, 67, 139.
Fearnlega, East 138.
Felde, J. 33.
Felegham 225.
Fellbridge Chap 330.
Felpham 225.
Feltham 226.
Fenner, Joan 332.
Fernet, Feruthe 230.
Ferring 226, 227, 228, 230.
Free Chap. and Palace 226, 227.
Ffacheston 69.
Fienes 241.
Fig Orchard 295.
Figure of the Saviour 245, 280.
Filmer, Sir E. 157.
Filsham 303.
Findon 228.
Fineux, E. Lady 79.
Finian, Bp. ix.
Firle 228.
Fishbourne 228.
Fisheries 18, 22, 25, 36, 57, 64, 169, 339.
Fitz-Aylwin, H. and P. 224,
Flam- Flan- Flen-shami Chap 226.
Flanders, Rob. Count of vi.
Fleet Chap. 23.
Fletching 228, 319.
Fogge, Sir J. 23.
Folkington 229.
Folkstone 68.
Nunnery 68.
Priory 69.
Nigellus, Lord of 68, 69.
Fonts 32, 42, 48, 55, 66, 67, 75, 77, 84, 87, 90, 102, 107, 142, 143, 150, 184, 206, 210, 217, 219, 221, 224, 225b, 226b, 229, 233, 235, 239, 240, 249, 250, 254, 256, 258, 264b, 268, 269b, 270, 271, 274, 286, 288, 294, 295b, 296, 303, 306, 307, 308, 309, 325, 335, 337, 339, 343.
Cover 116, 144.
Ford 229.
Hou 49.
Fordwich 69.
Forsham Ruins 143.
Fotescræi 139.
Foul Mile Chap. 302.
Frakham Park 274.
Framfield 229.
Franks x note.
Hou. 82.
Frant 227, 228, 230, 275.
Frauncys, J. 144.
French, Landing of 277.
Frensham 329.
Freondesbyri 139.
Fresco Paintings 248, 270, 271.
Frimley 329.
Frinsbury 70, 139, 154.
Frinsted 70.
Frisians x note.
Friston 230.
Frith, N. and S., Forests 161.
Frithwald, Earl 322.
Frittenden 70.
Fynamour, Steph. 20.
Fynes, Sir T., and W. 241.
Gabriel, Silv. 326.
Gall, St. 159.
Galle, W. 120.
Galon, Rich. 23.
Hosp. 44.
Garanford 259.
W. 102.
Gard 54.
Garwinton Chap. 37.
Sir Th.'s Chap. 75.
Gaspernasse, Galf. de 30, 32.
Gauls x note.
Gay 64.
Gaynesford Fam. 326.
Nic. 321.
Geinstedesgate 285.
Ge'nyn, Th. 325.
George Inn, Rochester 141.
Gettinges 323.
Gewissi 284, 285.
Ghent Abbey 91.
Giffard, Bp. W. 328.
Gillingham, Kent 131, 139.
Grange Chap. 71.
Norfolk 187.
Gills 100.
Gilpin, Gilb. 344.
Gladwyn, J. 51.
Glanville, Bp. G. 154.
Glass ix, xii note.
Coloured 21, 23, 27, 47, 53, 58, 70, 76, 77, 84, 85, 87b, 104, 122, 142, 145, 158, 161, 164, 165, 185, 191, 193, 206b, 218, 219, 225, 232, 237, 238, 240, 259, 263, 264b, 282, 286, 293, 294, 296, 300, 301, 305, 307, 325b, 336, 339.
Pictures on 53.
Glat- Glot-tingham 257.
Glynde 230.
Godalming 329.
Goddard, J. 147.
Sir Leon. 160.
Sim. 66.
Godelming 329.
Godeselle 36, 71.
Godfrey, P. and T. 96.
Godmersham 46, 71.
Godshill 22, 221, 243.
Godstone 330.
Godwin, Earl 61, 68, 152.
Goldsmyth, H. 119.
Goldstone, Prior T. 37.
Goldwell, Bp., and Chantry 71, 89.
Goodneston, near Wingham 71, 166.
W. 72.
Gore Ch. 170.
Nic. 167.
Gorend Chap. 33.
Goring 230.
Fam. 210.
Gorogltown 302.
Gor timer 25.
Goshall 23.
Goudhurst 72.
Graffham 160.
Graveney 72.
Gravesænde 139.
Gravesend 72, 139.
Chap. 72.
Grean 83, 139.
Great upon Little 240.
Greenhithe 72, 139.
Greensted 245.
Greenwich 72, 91, 139.
West 57, 72, 139.
Gregory, St.'s, Chap. 204.
Grene, Cust. 48.
Greneuuic 139.
Grenic Chap. 72, 139.
Grensted 100.
Gresham, Sir J. and W. 343.
Gretham 230, 303.
Gretenersee Chap. 72, 139.
Grey of Codnor, R. Lord 24.
Rich. 306.
Grinsted, East 231.
West 231.
Groombridge 73, 151.
Grothurst, J. 81.
Guestling 231.
Guildford 330.
East 232.
Guldeford 332.
Gundrada 289, 290.
Gundulph, Bp. 48, 99, 136.
Guston 73.
Guy of Warwick 79.
Gylborne, W. 67.
Hacchesden Chap. 29.
Hackford 187.
Hackington 73, 334.
Hadlei Chap. 252.
Hadlow 19.
Hadresham, J. 336.
Hæselholte 138.
Hæstenus 93.
Hagelei 156.
Hailsham 232, 235.
Haimo's Land 74.
Halden 74.
Hale, E. de la 347.
Halgelei 139.
Halgesto 139.
Hall, Pet. 79.
Halland, Hou. 248, 269.
Halle, Th. 160.
Hall Green 214.
Halling and -gis 74, 138.
Chap, and Palace 74.
Halnaker 258.
Halsham, Sir Hu. and Joe. 231.
Halsted 74, 139.
Halstow, High 81, 139.
Haltesteda 139.
Hammond's Pla. 216.
Hamo, Bp. 80.
Hamon, J. 120.
Hampnett, E. and W. 233.
Hampton, Little 233.
Hangleton 233, 252.
Man. Hou. Chap. 233.
Haningedune 233.
Hardham 234.
Hardres 74, 152.
Fam. 74.
Hareleap 119.
Haremare 225.
Harflete Fam. 23.
Harling, Th. 272.
Harmony of O. and N. Test. xiii.
Harpenden Vase 299.
Harrietsham 75, 103.
Harris, Rich. 159, 160.
Hart, Sir G. and Sir P. 96.
Harte, Th. 96.
Hartfield 234.
Harting 235.
Hartley 138.
Hilles 55, 100, 139.
Hartlip 75.
Harty 75.
Hascombe 332
Haseldean, Johanne 339.
Haslemere 332.
Haslesse 235.
Hasting 94.
Hastingleigh 76.
Hastings 193, 236, 275.
Free Chap., Cast. and Priory 236.
Hatteclyff, G. 91.
Th. 318.
Hatton, Rich. 327.
Haut, W. 152.
Hawberk, J. and N. 51.
Hawkhurst 76.
Hawley 139, 156.
Hawte, Edw. 65.
Haya, Rob. de 205.
Hayes 77.
Hayley MSS. 171, 262.
Haymer, J. 327.
Hayward, Rich. 164.
Headcorn 77.
Heahham 139.
Heathfield 237.
Hecchindenne Chap. 29, 74.
Hecham Chap. 310.
Hedenham 141.
Horsey Chap. 265, 266.
Hedge Court Chap. 330.
Hedser Chap. 252.
Heene 237, 295.
Heighten 238, 294.
Helle 139, 140.
Hellingly 238.
Hemcham Chap. 252.
Hendall 211.
Henfield 238.
Hengest 25, 55, 162.
Hengrave Chap. 85.
Henlei 332.
Henry I, K. 337.
Philippa 231.
II, K. 56, 59.
III, K. 56.
VII, K. 73.
Herbaldowne 78.
Hercheghe Ch. 57.
Herdei 138.
Herelepe 118.
Hereward 345.
Herne 79.
Hill 35, 79.
Heron, W. 211.
Herst 193.
Hertford, Rich., Earl of 170.
Hertmere Chap. 329.
Hescindena Chap. 101, 138, 139.
Hesilt, Agnes 56.
Heure 138.
Hever 79, 122, 138.
Hexham Ch. ix, xi.
Heydon, Sir H. 166.
Heygge, Sir J. 77.
Heynvs, J. 33.
Heyshott 238, 252.
Hicksted Pla. 297.
Hide Abbey 288.
Higham 79, 139
Nunnery 80.
Hist. of the Saviour xiii.
Hithe 80.
Abbey and Hospitals 80.
Small 80.
West 80.
Hixhood, Th. 272.
Hludesdune 138.
Hnutstede 139.
Hoathly, East 238.
West 239.
Hoghton 285.
Hohg 152.
Hollingbourne 81.
Hollington, and Chap. 240.
Holy Breadths 272.
Honorius, Archbp. vii.
Hoo 81, 139.
Hooe 240.
Hop, Th. de 85.
Hope 81.
Horeham 300.
Horley 332.
Horn Lanthorns xii.
Horne 332.
Chap. 22.
Horsa 25.
Horsbundenne 138.
Horsell 332.
Horselunges 238.
Horsham 240.
Horsley, East 332, 333.
Palace 332.
West 333.
Horsmonden 81, 138.
Horsted 25.
Keynes 240, 252.
Little 240.
Horton Kirby 82, 139.
Monks, and Priory 82.
Parva 83.
Hortune 139.
Hospitals 25, 35, 42, 44, 45, 48, 56, 59, 80, 97, 104, 124, 125, 135, 137, 143, 144, 146, 148, 154, 156, 160, 162, 189, 201, 206, 211, 212, 235, 236, 253, 265, 282, 283, 286, 287, 302, 311, 326, 327, 332, 334, 338, 341.
Hothe 83.
Hou Capella 139.
Houghton 240.
Hove 240.
Hrobi Cast. 140.
Hrof 136.
Hrofæcæstræ 136.
Hrofiscester 140.
Hucking 81, 83.
Hugh, Abbot 45.
Hugo 36.
Huneuualdesham 323.
Hunting Mares 333.
Huntingfield Chap. 62.
Huntintune 138.
Hunton 83, 138.
Hurst 83.
East 241.
Monceux 241.
Cast. 241.
Pierpoint 241.
Th. at 36.
Husee, H. de 235, 275.
Hykk, J. 83.
Hykks, W. 83.
Hylth Park 107.
Icchenor 285.
Ickham 83.
Icklesham 242, 304.
Iclesham, Ran. de 232.
Iden 242.
Ifeld, J. de 94.
Ifield, Kent 84, 139.
Sussex 242.
Sir J. de 242.
Iford 242, 252.
Ightham 84, 138.
Moat Hou. 85.
Iham 262, 304.
Intimbre 259.
Iping viii, 214, 244, 252.
Ipre, W. de 38, 160.
Ips, J. 143.
Irish ruined Churches x.
Iron Frame 253.
Furnaces, 24, 53, 77, 191, 206, 237, 247.
Grave-slabs 53, 210, 239, 256, 264, 298, 306, 326.
Work, 27, 86, 151, 152, 220, 254, 325, 341.
Isfield 244.
Place 244.
Isley, J. and Rog. 155.
Itchenor 245.
Itchingfield 245.
Iuelda 139.
James, St. 83, 139.
Hosp. 201.
James, St., Hosp. 286.
Jamys, Matilda 102.
Jevington 245.
John's, St. 85.
Canterbury 43.
Chap. 98.
Hosp. 80.
Baptist's do. 45.
Jordan, W. 117.
Julius Ceesar 59, 60.
Kanevelde Ch. 310.
Kassibalan, K. 59.
Kemp, Card. 169.
Kemsing 85, 138, 147.
Kemsley Down 95.
Keneldritha, Q. 346.
Kenardington 86.
Kennington, Kent 43.
Surrey 333.
Kent a model x, 3.
Kenulf . 344.
Kenulfe, K. 91.
Keriell, Jane 23.
Keston 86, 138.
Kew 333.
Keymer 215, 245.
Keynor 284.
Kidbroke 46, 86, 139.
Kilwardeby, Arhbp. 119, 166.
Kingsborough 134.
Kingsdown, near Sittingbourne 86.
near Wrotham 87, 138.
Kingsdowne 135.
Kingsnoth 87.
Kingston, near Lewes 245, 252.
by sea 246, 292.
near Ferring 246.
Surrey 333.
Kingswood Chap. 327b, 328.
Kirdford 247.
Kit's Cotty Hou. 25.
Knepp Cast. 285.
Knowle Park 148.
Kyggesfolde, J. and A. 270.
Lacy, Petrus de 120.
Lambarde, J. 153.
Th. 144.
Lamberhurst 87, 138, 247.
Lambeth 333, 334.
Lameria Chap. 252.
Lamhytha 334.
Lampreys 339.
Lancaster Herald 150.
Lancing 247.
Lanfranc, Archbp. 42, 43, 44, 45, 78
Langdon, East 88.
West, and Abbey 88.
Langney Chap. 304.
Langport Chap. 69, 96.
Langridge 74.
Langton, Archbp. 163.
Archd. Sim. 45.
Lanthorns xii.
Larkfield 98.
Laughton 247.
Laurence, St. 88.
Chap. 74.
Hosp. 45.
Lavant 248.
East 248.
Mid 90, 248.
Lavendene 116.
Lawless, J. 53
Le 138.
Leaden Cists 289
Coffer 304.
Roof ix.
Leaga 138.
Leatherhed 335.
Lectern 57, 90, 326, 336.
Lee 89, 138.
Leeds 89.
Cast. 41, 89.
Priory 89.
Legh, J.and J. 318.
Leicester, Montf., Earl of 136.
Leigh, Kent 29, 31, 89, 128, 129, 138.
Surrey 335.
J. I. and J. 318.
Leighton, Archbp. 240.
Leleburna 139.
Lenham 90.
Leodegario, R. de S. 163.
Leodre 335.
Leominster 248, 260, 261.
Leonard, St., Hastings 240, 249, 303.
Ch. 319.
Chap. 98, 99, 139.
Hosp. 201.
Tower 99.
Leret 327.
Lesnes 64, 138.
Abbey 65.
Leuche Ch. 170.
Leueseham 138.
Leutfred, St.'s, Cross 327.
Leveland 91.
Leverick 23.
Levine 37.
Lewes 249.
St. John xiv.
Priory 69, 209, 289.
Leweshothe Chap. 82.
Lewisham 91, 138, 158.
Leybourne 92, 139.
Libraries, Saxon xi.
Lidisinga 139.
Lidsing 92, 139.
Lilecirce 139.
Lilintuna 140.
Lillechurch 79, 139.
Liluitana Capella 67, 139.
Limene, Liminaea Riv. vii note, 94.
Liminge 93, 126.
Limpne 93.
Limpsfield 335.
Linch 253.
Linchesore, Lynsore Chap. 75.
Linchmere 253.
Lincolnsh. Churches 173.
Lindfield 253.
Lindisfarne ix.
Lindisinge 139.
Lingfield 335.
Cross 336.
Linsted 95, 121.
Linton 95, 138, 140.
Lisna 138.
Litlington 254.
Loddington Ch. 98.
Lodsworth 223, 254.
Lolley Abbey 69.
Lombard Inscriptions, 20, 39, 53, 58, 165, 167, 221, 248, 263, 270, 319.
Long, Rich. 147.
Longfield 95.
Longsole Chap. 20.
Loose 95.
Lord Mayor, First 224.
Lordington 252, 254.
Losenham 108, 109, 112.
Lovekyn, Edw. 334.
Lovelace, Th. and W. 29.
Lountham Ch. 252.
Legha 30, 31.
Lowden Cast. 143.
Lowy 89, 162, 194.
Loxwood 255.
Loye, St.'s Chap. 334.
Lucius, K. 49, 59.
Lucy, Rich. 65.
Luddenham 95, 121.
Ludesey 285.
Ludsdown 95, 139.
Lukedale Chantry 84.
Lullingestan, -tuna 138.
Lullingminster 249.
Lullingstone 95, 138.
Lullington 183, 255.
Lurgershall 252.
Lych Gates 41, 90, 150, 155, 235, 309, 335.
Lydd 96.
Lydsey Chap. 184.
Lye, W. 120.
Lynches 184.
Lyvingsbourne 37.
Mæruurtha 138.
Magd. Coll. Oxford 144, 195.
Maidstone 96.
Coll. and Park 97, 98.
Maldon, and Coll. 323, 336.
Maldry, The 146.
Malemeyns, J. de 94.
Malling, East 98, 138.
South 255.
West 99, 139.
Abbey 99.
Malmaines, J. 133.
Malmeyns Chantry 152.
J. de 152.
Maney Fam. 95.
Mankesey Chap. 266.
Mansell, Sir J. 143.
J. 33.
Manston Chap. 89.
Nic. 89.
Mapeldreskampe 138.
Maple Bowl 79.
Mapleton, J. 207.
Maplescombe 99, 138.
Marble Head 203.
Quarries 247.
Marden, East 255
Marden, Up 217, 252, 255.
West 252, 256.
Maresfield 256.
Chap. and Chantry 256.
Mareys, Th. 154.
Margaret, St, Darent 100.
Rochester 101, 137, 138.
Chap. 336.
Margarita, St. 138.
Martin, St. vii.
3, 101.
Bishop of 102.
Alured and Rob. 282.
Martin, Abbot 345.
Martyn, Rich. 56.
Mary, St, Church 102.
Canterbury 43, 44, 92.
Hoo 81, 139.
Oxford 185.
Rochester 137.
Overy Priory 341.
Chap. 334.
Magd. Chap. 334.
Hosp. 206.
Spital 56.
Maryfeld Chantry 256.
Mascall, Leon. 269.
Masons, French ix.
Matilda, Q. 68.
Mauregge 46.
Maycott, Anth. 83.
Mayfield, Pal. and Park 256.
Maytham, Lit., Cast. 143.
Meallingetes, -ingis 138, 139.
Meapeham 138.
Meurcesfleote 146.
Medeshanastede 344.
Medlers Chap. 310.
Medlins Chap 252.
Meeching 252,258.
Meletuna 139.
Mend, Sir Wal. 96.
Meopham 102, 138.
Merbury, Sir J. 91.
Merestune Mersetuna 139.
Mereworth 103, 138, 170.
Merlea 34, 103.
Merrick, W. 24.
Merrow 336.
Merstham 337.
Merston 2, 103, 139.
Merton 337.
Coll. Oxford 336.
Priory 38 ,337.
W. de 336.
Merysfeld Chap. 256.
Michelham Priory 188.
Mickleham 338.
Middeltona 105.
Middeltune 93, 94
Middleton, Essex 94.
Sussex 257
Midhurst 223, 257
Cast. 257.
Midley 103.
Mildred, St. 106.
Monast. 44.
Milkhouse Ste. Chap. 53.
Mill, Rev. Sir H. 307.
Milland 257
Mille, and Edm. 272.
Milleburne, W. 319
Millys, W. 99.
Milsted. 70, 104.
Milton, near Canterbury 104.
near Gravesend 94, 104, 139.
near Sittingbourne 94, 104.
Chap. 188, 189.
Minster in Sheppey 105, 135.
Nunnery 83, 105, 116.
in Thanet 106.
Abbey 106.
Moat Chap. 102.
The 242.
Modingeham 91.
Molash 49, 107.
Molesey, East 323, 334, 338.
West 338.
Molyngton, Th. 56.
Monceux, J. 241.
Mondeham 285.
Mongeham, Little 107.
Monkton 33, 107.
Chap. 125.
Montelfont, J. 96.
Monument, Curious 38.
Moore Hou. 307.
Morden 342.
More, Sir T.'s skull 62.
Park 274.
Mortlake 338.
Morton, Rob., Earl of 304.
Mote Chantry 342.
Motinden Friary 77, 78.
Mountfield 257.
Mowbray, J. de 286.
Muleseg 323.
Mundharn, North 258.
South 258.
Muneville, Nig. de 68.
Mutton Fam. 280.
Mutuantonis 115.
Myddilton, W. 164.
Mylys, W. 34.
Mynster, Old 329.
Naiton, K. viii.
Nash-, Neshenden Chap. 101, 138, 140.
Nedrefelle 260.
Nelond, Prior Th. 218.
Nerewelle 260.
Ness Chap. 96.
Netherfield 260.
Netlesteda 138.
Nettlested 28, 107, 138.
Nevell, Sir Th. 103.
Nevill, Bp. Ralph 186, 213.
Newark 97.
Abbey 341.
Newarke Hosp. 155.
Newbridge Chap. 272.
Newdegate, J. 337.
Newenden 2, 107.
Priory 108, 109.
Newenham, Fulke de 57.
Newhaven 258.
Newhithe Chap. 98.
Newick 252, 259.
Newington, near Hithe 116.
Newington , near Sittingbourne, and Priory 116.
Surrey 338, 343.
Newnham 121.
Newsole Chap 52, 88.
Dionisia de 88.
Newsted Chap. 152.
Newtimber, and Place 259.
Nicholas, St., Rochester 101, 136, 137.
at Wade 117, 135, 147.
Chap. 116.
Ospringe 124.
Ninfield 260.
Nirefeld 260.
Niwenham, F. or E. 121.
Nockholt 117, 124, 138.
Nonington 120.
Nonneminstre 260.
Nonsuch Park 326.
Norbeton Chap. 334.
Norman, Gilb. 337.
Norman's Farm 280.
North Chapel 261.
Northeræi 139.
Northease Chap. 252, 274.
Northey Chap. 265.
Northfield Ch. 26.
Northfleet 120, 139.
Northfleotes 139.
Northiam 261.
Northumberland, Earl of 78.
Northwode, Sir J. de 105.
Northwood Chap. 105.
Norton 121.
Chap. 200.
Nortone 121.
Norwood, W. 40.
Notfield, Rich. 85.
Nulcombe 122.
Nutfield 338.
Nuthurst 263.
Nutley Chap. 256.
Nutsted 139.
Nysell, Th. 168.
Oaken effigy 223.
Oakwood Chap. 346.
Ockham 339.
Ockley 157.
Ocolte 117.
Offham 122, 138.
Offington Chap. 208.
Olave, St.'s Ch. 341.
Old Place 272.
Olecumbe 123.
Ollantigh Chap. 169.
Orchards 159.
Ordmserescirce 139.
Ore, Kent 123.
Sussex 263.
Orgarswick 123.
Orientation of Churches 278 note.
Orleston 123.
Orpington 117, 119, 123, 139.
Orpin tuna 139.
Osferd 249.
Ospringe 124
Mais. Dieu & Chap. 124.
Osteler, J. 77.
Ostenhanger 124.
Cast. and Chap. 124, 125.
Osuulf, Duke 156.
Oswy, K. 344.
Otford 125, 139, 149.
Palace 125.
Park 148.
Otham 125.
Chap. 232.
Otteford 139.
Otterden 125.
Otterpool 125.
Overland Chap. 23, 166.
Ovingdean viii, 263.
Oxenbridge, R. and A. 206.
Oxney, near Deal 88, 126.
Oxted 339.
Packe, C. W., Esq., M. P. 299.
Paddlesworth 92, 126.
Priory 126.
near Snodland 126, 138.
Pæccingas 259.
Pædleswrtha 138.
Pagans x note.
Pagham 196, 263.
Paintings, Saxon xiii.
Palestrei 126.
Palimpsests 164.
Pancras, St., Canterbury 43.
Panelling, Linen 90b, 244.
Parham 264.
Parish, Paroichia vi.
Parker, Sir W. 87.
Parks 19, 37, 47, 49, 69, 98, 102, 107, 144, 148, 161, 165, 168, 171, 187b, 219, 235, 241, 257, 258, 274, 275, 284, 287b, 303, 321, 326b, 330, 332, 340, 344.
Parroke Ch. 170.
Parsonage, ancient 219.
Parvise 76, 253, 326.
Pashley 296.
Patcham 252, 264.
Patching 264.
Patine, curious 50.
Patronage of Churches vii.
Payn, W. 165.
Peada, K. 344.
Peche, Sir J. 96.
Peckham, East 127, 138.
West 127, 138.
Preceptory 127.
Archbp. J. 166.
Reynold and Th. 168.
Peeche, W. 96.
Peke, Sir W. 76.
Pelham, Sir W. 248.
Pembury 127, 138.
Penchester, S. de 129.
Penenden 4, 38.
Penhurst 191, 264.
Pennesherst 138.
Penshurst 89, 127, 138.
Steph. and Th. de 129.
Peppingeberia 138.
Pepyr, W. 149.
Perching Chap. 224.
Perot, Rog. 150.
Perth, J. and T., Earls of 134.
Peterborough 344.
Peter's, St. 129.
Chap. 195.
Petersham 333, 339.
Petham 130.
W. 67.
Petle, J. and Th. 62.
Petley, W. 74.
Petrie, G., Esq. x.
Petrus Vicecomes 246.
Petworth 252,264.
Hou., Chap. 265.
Pevensey 114, 115, 162, 265, 275.
Cast. and Chap. 265,266.
Peverell, A. 264.
Pews xviii.
Peyton, Sir Th. 88.
Phelp, Christian 79.
Philip, Vicar 253.
Philippa, a. 134.
Philpot, Sir J. 71.
Picts 25.
Piddinghoe. 252,266.
Piecombe 252,268.
Pilesham 303.
Pimpe 127.
Piperneesse 146.
Pirbright 339.
Pirford 332,339.
Piscinæ 20, 21, 26b, 41, 42, 45, 48, 53tr, 64, 66b, 67, 77b, 82b, 84, 85, 90, 122, 131, 142, 143, 150tr, 155, 165, 183, 184, 188b, 192tr, 200, 202b, 205, 210b, 211, 217, 219b, 221, 222b, 226b, 229, 232tr, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 242b, 244, 245, 254, 256, 259, 263, 264, 268, 269, 270, 271, 273, 280, 294, 295, 302, 306, 307, 308, 321, 323, 324, 335, 336, 337, 339, 340b.
Piventone 130.
Plaistow 268.
Plashet Park 274.
Plaxtole 130,151.
Playden, and Hosp. 268.
Plot, Dr. 110.
Pluckley 130,133.
Plumpton, and Place 269.
Plumsted 43, 139, 165.
Plumstede 139.
Pole, Card. 100, 142, 167.
Poling 269.
Poltone 133.
Pomphery Cast. 126.
Poninges, Sir Mich. de 78.
Pontiniac Abbey 143, 144.
Pope, Sir Th. 320.
Popeshall Chap. 52, 126.
Population varied 2.
Porter, A. 48.
Portmarus, J. 292.
Portslade 252, 269.
Anc. Manor-house 270.
Portus Lemanis 93.
Posterne Park 161.
Postling 134.
Potter, Rich. and Th. 164.
Potyn, Sim. 137.
Pountney Abbey 144.
Poynings xiv, 252, 270.
Poynings Chantry 270.
Eliz. 39.
Rich. Lord 24.
Pratellis, J. de 38, 126.
Preceptory 127, 158, 283.
Preston, near Brighton 271.
East and West 272.
Priest Hawes 302.
Promehill 134.
Puckeshall Hosp. 162.
Pulborough 272.
Pulpit Cloth 88.
Puningas 259.
Purbeck Stone xiv, xv.
Purdan, H. 344.
Pusa, Abbot 344.
Putney 338, 339.
Puttenham 339.
Pyneham Priory 189.
Quarries, Stone 247, 335.
Queenborough 116, 134.
Queen's Wool 333.
Quek, J. and Rich. 33.
Quintane 123.
Quotation from Script. 276.
Rackham Chap. 186.
Racton 252, 255.
Radfield Chap. 27.
Radigund's St., Abbey 116,134.
Railings of St. Paul's 247.
Raling, Th. 147.
Rameslie 273.
Ramestede, Remsted Priory 311.
Ramsgate 88.
Ranulph, Bp. 212.
Ratton Hou. 304.
Readlega 138.
Records, Family xii.
Reculver 117, 122, 135.
Rede, Bp. W. 284.
Reed Thatch ix.
Regnum 115,213.
Regulbium 135.
Reiersce 138.
Reigate, and Priory 340.
Religious Houses 24, 33, 38b, 44, 56b, 60, 63b, 65b, 68b, 72, 73, 77, 80b, 82b, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 97, 99, 105, 106, 108, 116b, 125, 126, 134, 136, 143, 146, 158, 160, 161, 188, 189, 193, 194b, 203, 205, 212, 2176, 223, 227, 232, 234, 236, 240, 249, 251, 253, 263, 275, 276, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, 287, 289, 293, 296, 301, 304, 305, 306, 311, 320, 322, 328, 331, 332, 337, 340b, 341b, 342, 343, 344.
Reliquary 285.
Remarkable Interment 20.
Repham 187.
Reredos 331.
Richard, Archbp. 311.
Richard, Rector 300.
Richborough 23.
Chap. 23, 166.
Richmond 334, 340.
Priory and Park 340.
Richmond, Countess of 241.
Rob 44.
Ridley 138.
Rigge, Rich 116.
Rikhill, Sir W. 121.
Ringmer, and Park 273, 274.
Ringwold 135.
Ripe 274.
Ripley 340.
Ripon xi.
Ripple 135.
Ritheranfeld. 276.
River Chap. 296.
Roberte, Sir J. 101.
Roberts, Th. 41.
Robertsbridge 94, 282, 298.
Abbey and Chap 282.
Robroke, W 48.
Rochester 136, 187.
Cast 140.
Rodmel 252, 274.
Rodmersham 141.
Rodulfescræei 139.
Rogate 275.
Rokesle 139.
Rokesley 2, 139, 142.
Rob 77, 78.
Rolvenden 142.
Roman Altar 153, 154.
Arches 44, 45.
Bricks 39, 55, 62, 66, 81, 96, 100, 102, 105, 153, 154, 158, 208.
Pottery 57.
Remains 25, 35, 55, 75, 93, 98, 153, 154, 155, 163, 188, 204, 206, 210, 216, 221, 223, 224, 228, 247, 266, 272, 287, 292, 294, 298, 300, 305, 309, 339, 340, 346.
Villas 75, 197, 201, 204.
Romney, Old 143.
New, and Priory 143.
Marsh 2, 115.
Romsey xiv.
Roper Chancel 62.
Rothele 56.
Rother Rivers 93,110,257.
Rotherfield 227, 230, 275.
Rottingdean viii, 200, 252, 253, 276.
Rouen 204.
Royton Chap 90.
Rob. de 90.
Ruckinge 123, 144.
Rudgwick 279.
Ruim 107.
Ruins 255, 263.
Rumboldswyke 279.
Runcton Chap 258.
Rusper 279.
Rustington 280.
Russell, W. 151.
Ryarsh 138.
Rye 63, 273, 280.
Sackville Family 235, 306.
Coll. 231.
Sacring Bell 337.
Saddlescombe 259.
Salehurst 282.
Saleman 332.
Salforda Riv. 276.
Salmon, Agnes 189.
Salmyston Rectory 170, 3471.
Saltwood, Cast, and Park 80, 144.
Sandersted 340.
Sandhurst 91, 108, 144.
Sandon Priory and Chap. 327.
Sandwich, and Priory 145, 146, 3471
Sir H. de 146.
Sarre 147.
Saxon Architecture viii, ix, x, xi, xii.
Will 102.
Saxulf 344.
Sayers, P., M.D xviii.
Scarendene 91.
Scissars 27.
Scorene 139.
Scorham 138.
Scot, R 118, 119
Scotney Cast 88.
Scots x note.
Scot's Crouch 119.
Scott 33, 39.
Scovechesham 50.
Screen, late Norman 324.
Scriburna Chap. 140.
Seafishing taught 172.
Seaford 144, 194, 282.
Hosp 283.
Seal Island 284.
Scale, Kent 85, 147.
Surrey 340.
Seasalter 147.
Sedilia 20, 39, 42, 45, 46, 90, 142, 150, 165, 166, 167, 184b, 192, 200, 204, 221, 222, 228, 232b, 236, 239, 244, 254, 259, 261, 269, 270, 271, 293, 302, 306, 325b, 335, 340.
Sedlescomb 283.
Sedley, J. 150.
Seffrid II, Bp. 252.
Sefowle (or Stowell) 85.
Sela Priory 194.
Selæseu 284.
Selbrittenden 109 note.
Selby Fam. 84.
Selby, Th. 98.
Selesey 285.
Sellinge 147.
Selmeston 284.
Selsey 211, 284.
Selve 36.
Selwyn, Th. 230.
Selyard, J. 64.
Sender, Rog. 65.
Send 341.
Senlac 193.
Sennock, W. 148.
Senock 148.
Sentlinge 148.
Seouenaca 139, 148.
Septvans, alias Harflete 23b.
Sepulchre's, St., Lewes 353.
Sevenoaks, and Chap. 148.
Sevington 148.
Sevordt 283.
Sexberga 105.
Shadhet, J. 344.
Shalford 341.
Sharpe, W. 47.
Sheep Island 106.
Sheldwich 68, 148.
Shelle, Th. 120.
Shelley Chap. 195.
Shelley, J. & E. (bis) J. & M. 215.
Shelleys 120.
Shene 92, 334, 340.
Sheovesham 50, 153.
Shepey, Step, de 105.
Sherborne, Bp. 201, 306.
Shere 341.
Shermanbury 285.
Shipbourne 45, 140, 149, 161.
Shipley 235.
Sholdon 37, 149.
Shoolbred Priory 253.
Shoreham, Kent 138, 149.
Old, Sussex 286.
New 286.
Shorne 103, 139, 149.
Shosmyth, W. 103.
Shotynber Ch. 259.
Shoveldone, Gunnora de 88.
Shrewsbury, E., Countess of 65.
Shurley Fam. 244, 290.
Sibertswold 149.
Sibyll, Th. and A. 67.
Sidelesham 285.
Sidlesham 286.
Singleton 286.
Sisinghurst Cast. 53.
Sittingbourne 149.
Skerne, R. and J. 334.
Skrinkling Chap 63, 168.
Slaugham 218, 286.
Place Chap. 286.
Slindon 252, 287.
Slinfold 287.
Small Churches 171.
Smarden 150.
Smeeth 150.
Smith, J. and J. 149.
Smyth, Th., Esq. 197.
Th. 85.
Snargate 150.
Snayth, W. and A. 19.
Snodilande 138.
Snodland 138, 150.
Sompting x, xiv, 287.
Priory 287.
Sore Place 130.
Sorewell, J. 153.
Soveldone, Gunnora de 88.
Southbury Ch. 252.
South ease 288.
Southeram Chap. 255.
Southfleet 39, 150.
Southover, and Priory 289.
Southwark 341.
Southwick 292.
Sparrow, Th. 29.
Speldhurst 138, 151.
Spelmonden 82.
Spratt, J. 55.
Sprottle, J. 51.
Stace, J. 89.
W. 164.
Stacy, J. 164.
Stalisfield 123, 151.
Stalls 33, 50, 51, 63, 74, 84, 90, 97, 107, 150, 160, 165, 166, 168, 207, 295, 306, 336.
Standen House 33.
Stanes 139.
Stanford 92, 124, 151.
Stanmer 259, 292.
Stanpit Chap, or Chant 56.
Stansted 151.
Stansteda 138.
Staple 19, 151.
Cross 262.
Staplehurst 151.
Star Inn, Alfriston 185.
Lewes 253.
Starkeys Chap 166.
Steddanham 259.
Stedham 238, 252, 259, 292.
Brigenessera Chap. 252, 292.
Steetly 70.
Stelling 152.
Stephen, K. 68, 80.
Steyning 292.
Stigand, Archbp 212.
Bp. 211.
Stockbury 152, 198, 265.
Cast. 152.
Stockton Ch. 252.
Stoke, Kent 139, 152.
Surrey 341.
D'Abernon 341.
North 293.
South 293.
Stokes 139.
Stokton, J. 165, 166.
Stonar 153.
Stone, near Dartford 139, 153.
Faversham 153.
in Oxney 153.
Pet. 85.
Pulpit 217.
Spires 70, 213, 261, 272.
Stopham 293.
Storrington 293.
Stoughton 252.
Stourmouth 154.
Stowting 154.
Strateshelle Ch. 170.
Stratfelda Ch. 310.
Streatham 342.
Street, Kent 65.
Sussex, and Place 293.
Strete, J. 74, 75.
Strodes 139.
Strood 139, 154.
Studfall Cast. 93.
Sturrey 155.
Stydolf, Th. 162.
Suane 249.
Suaneskampe 72, 139.
Suesse 288.
Suffolk, Duke of 76.
Sullington 294.
Sunderersce 138.
Sundressh, J. 168.
Sundridge 138, 155.
Sussex Christianized 172.
Churches 172.
Suthderente 139.
Suthfleotes 139.
Suthtuna 139.
Sutton, near Dover 155.
at Hone 139, 155.
East 157.
Valence 157.
Sussex 294.
near Seaford 94.
Surrey 342.
Barn 35.
Sutton Place and Chap. 345
Suttune 294, 342.
Swan, W. 147.
Swanborough Chap. 243, 252.
Swanscombe 3, 139, 157.
Swetecok, Swetecote, J. 336.
Swindling Chap. 130.
Swinestree Hosp. 158.
Swingfield 158.
Preceptory 158.
Sydenham 158.
Taillon, Alijs 67.
Tandridge, and Priory 342.
Tangmere 252.
Taper Axe 145.
Tapestry 269.
Tarring Nevill 238, 294.
West 223, 237, 295.
Pal. 295.
Taunerr, W. 51.
Tellingedone 342.
Telscombe 200, 288, 295.
Temple Elfande 321.
Tenison, Archbp. 168.
Tenterden 2, 80, 158.
Teppehese, Bened. de 31, 32.
Terstaua 139.
Teston 139.
Teynham 95, 121, 159.
Thanet, Isle of 106, 184.
Thanington 160.
Theobald, Archbp. 78.
Theodore, Archbp. vii, x.
Theudelei 138.
Thomas's, St., Chap. 62.
Hosp. 341.
J. 96.
Thorndun 139.
Thome, Edile de 106.
Thorney 296.
Thornham 24, 139, 160.
Thorp 323.
W. 165.
Throwley 160.
Thurnham, Rob. de 72.
Thursley 342.
Ticceburnan 259.
Ticehurst 296.
Tiles, Venetian 105.
Tillington 252, 296.
Timber Ch. Tower 245.
Tintentone 160.
Tintern Abbey 96.
Titelescumbe 227
Tithe of Whales 104.
Titlesham 227.
Titsey 342.
Tobias, Bp. 27.
Todde, W. 79.
Todham Chap. 223, 257.
Tonbridge 45, 138, 161.
Cast, and Forest 161.
Lowy of 89, 162.
Priory 161.
Tonebrigga 138.
Tong, and Cast. 162.
Tooner, Rich. 207.
Tooting, and Priory 343.
Tortington, and Priory 296.
Tottington Chap. 24.
Towers, Round, of Churches 251, 267, 288, 331.
Trackways 1.
Trevor, Bp. R. 230.
Treyford 224, 296.
Trinity Chap. 89.
Hosp. 56.
Trottescliffe 138.
Trotton 257, 297.
Tryneburne Ch. 296, 310.
Tubney, J. 150, 151.
Tudely 45, 138, 162.
Tullington Ch. 252, 259.
Tunstall 162.
Turneham, Rob. de 87.
Turwick 297.
Tuthill 76.
Tuxlithe 257.
Twidall Chap. 71.
Twineham 297.
Twisden, Th. 47.
Uckfield 211,298.
Udimere 282, 298.
Ulcombe 123, 163.
Unsted Hou. 341.
Coll. 163.
Upchurch 163.
Urban, J. 150, 151.
Uuyth 47.
Vane, Vannes 66, 3491
Vantsuma River 106.
Vaughan, Sim. de 54.
Vaulted Chancels 55, 324.
Ver, Rob. de 82.
Verien, J. 144.
Vessels, Ancient 110, 293.
Vineyards 47, 49, 89.
Vetus Pons 195, 233.
Vicars 5.
Vipont Ch. 233, 234.
Vochere de Hethe 304, 305.
Vortigern, K. 25, 162.
Wache, Wiche, J. 336.
Wadehall Chap. 152.
Wadhurst 298.
Wadnall Chap. 163.
Wakehurst Hou. 188.
R. and E. 188.
Walberton 298.
Waldron 252, 300.
Man. Hou. Chap. 300.
Wall, Ancient 243.
Waller, W. 151.
Walls covered with lead ix.
Walmer 163.
Walsyngham, James 49.
Waltham, Kent 130, 163.
Sussex 285.
Church 92, 323.
Cold 300.
Up. 300.
Walton on the Hill 343.
R. and A. 19.
Walworth 338, 343.
Walys, Alys 55.
Wanborough 343.
Wandsworth 343.
Waningore Chap. 211, 251.
Wantell, Wantele, J. 186.
Wantsome Riv. 106.
Warbleton 300.
Warbleton Priory 236, 301.
Warblington 205.
Wardyworth, W. 320.
Warehorne 160.
Warenne, W. de 289, 290.
Warlewast, Bp. W. 203.
Warley Hou. 133.
Warlingham 322, 343.
Warminghurst 301.
Warnford xiv.
Warningcamp 261, 301.
Warre, Th. Ld. la 207.
Warren, W. de, 5th Earl 340.
Wartling 190, 259, 301.
Warwintone 37.
Washington 302.
Watendone 343.
Watervil, Rob. de 327.
Watevile, W. de 224.
Watlande 138.
Watlington 302.
Watringbury 138, 163.
Watson, Th. 74.
Waverley Abbey 328.
Weald of Kent 1.
Webb, M. de 94.
Weddeol, J. 19.
Welde, H. 165.
Well Court, and Chap. 84.
Welldish's Chap. 95.
Wepeham 192.
Wereburh, Sta. 139.
Westcliue 139 b.
Westerham 138, 164.
Westham 302.
Westmeston 214, 303.
Westminster, St. Marg. 187.
Weston, Sir Rich. 345.
J. 319.
J. 339.
W. 212.
Westwell 165.
Westwood Abbey 65.
Whales, Tithe of 104.
Whitcliff, Wincliff, Forest 161.
White Thorns 333.
Whitherne viii.
Whittlesea, Archb. 78
Whitwell 187..
Wicham 138.
Wichling 165.
Wickham Breaux 165.
East 139, 165.
West 139, 165.
Court 166.
Wigginholt 230, 303.
Wihtred, K. 27, 59.
Wilcocks, Raffe 96.
Wilesham 303.
Wilford, Fra. 120.
Wilfrid, Bp. ix, xi, 3, 172, 203, 284, 285.
Will, Saxon 102.
Willesborough 166.
William, Archb. 4.
Dean 212.
Willingdon 304.
Wilmentuna 138.
Wilmington, Kent 138, 155, 166.
Sussex 189, 304.
Priory 304.
Wimbledon 338, 343.
Winchelsea 242, 304, 3481.
Friary 305.
Archb. Rob. 79.
Winchester Cathedral xv, 297.
Windeham Hosp. 311.
Wingham 23, 166.
Wingindene 91.
Winterburna 288, 289.
Wisborough Green 255.
Wisley 339, 343.
Wiston 305.
Withyham 21, 306.
Witley 342, 343.
Wittering, East, and Chap. 306.
West 306.
Wittersham 126, 166.
Wivelsfield 221, 222, 252, 293, 307.
Wldeham 138.
Wlencing 247.
Wleunic 139.
Wocingas 344.
Wode, J. 65.
Wodeham 323.
Woking 344.
Woldham 138, 166.
Woldingham 345.
Wolinchmere Priory 253.
Wolknestede Mynstre 102.
Wolvesey Cast. xv.
Womenswold 166, 167.
Wonersh 345.
Wood for Fencing 116, 166.
Wood Church 167.
Woode 33, 107, 167.
Wooden Churches viii, ix.
Mullion 27.
Woodland 87, 138, 167.
Woodwork, Oldest 324.
Woolbeding 307.
Woolgathering 333.
Woolwich 91, 139, 167.
Wormshill 70.
Worplesdon 346
Worth, Kent 63, 168.
Sussex 307.
Worthgate 45.
Worthing 309.
Wotringaberia 138.
Wotton 346.
Chap. 229.
Wroteham 138
Wrotham 138, 151, 168.
Palace and Park. 168
Wryte, J. 101.
Wulfric 259.
Wyddolkson, W. 338.
Wyderynge 284.
Wye 47, 168.
Coll. 169.
Wyke 102.
Wylrington Chap. 160.
Wyrtingas 259.
Wystrynges, -ngs 285, 306.
Yalding 138, 169.
Yapton 309.
Yden, Pacole 129.
Ykelesham, Sybilla de 300.
Ypres Tower 281, 282.
Yuge, J. 339.

Arliss and Tucker, Printers, 15, Frith Street, Soho Square.