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A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

school. He also wrote on the Six Scripts, and on the 釋名 of Liu Chên. So conservative was he in all matters relating to antiquarian usage, that even in private life he only used the seal character!

339 Chiang Shih 姜詩. 1st cent. A.D. One of the 24 examples of filial piety, in the practice of which virtue he was rivalled by his wife. The latter, because her mother-in-law preferred river water, used to trudge several miles every day to fetch it. An effort was also made to provide the old lady with minced fish, of which she was very fond; the upshot of all which was that one morning a spring, with a flavour precisely like that of river water, burst forth near their dwelling, and daily threw out on the bank two fine fresh carp. The Red-Eyebrow Rebel, Fan Ch'ung, was so impressed with their filial conduct that he bade his soldiers spare their village, and even sent them food during a dearth, which Chiang Shih however buried in the ground. In A.D. 60, there was an Imperial levy of men of filial piety; and Chiang Shih received a Magistracy, at which post he died.

340 Chiang Shih 江式 (T. 法安 ). 5th and 6th cent. A.D. An official under the Northern Wei dynasty. Author of the 古今文字, a lexicon based upon the Shuo Wên. He was an accomplished master of the seal character, and wrote the inscriptions for the palace gates at Lo-yang.

341 Chiang Shih-ch'üan 蔣士銓 (T. 心餘 and 苕生. H. 淸容) A.D. 1725—1784. A distinguished literary official of Kiangsi, whose mother began to teach him philosophy and instruct him in the T'ang poets when he was only four years of age. Besides holding literary and educational posts at the capital and in the provinces, he became Vice President of the Censorate. In 1781 he was sent at his own request to set in order the Imperial Library

at Moukden, and died there. He was a poet, and also wrote