Page:A Seasonable Warning and Exhortation of the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.pdf/14

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perſiſt in that Loyalty to our Sovereign King George, by which they have been always diſtinguiſhed; neither to be allured by Promiſes, nor over-awed by Threatenings, to join with theſe wicked and deluded Men: And let your honeſt Zeal for our happy Conſtitution, riſe in Proportion to the Violence with which it is attacked. We put you in mind to be ſubject to Principalities and Powers; to obey Magiſtrates, and to be ready to every good work[1]. Let every Soul be ſubject to the higher Powers: For there is no Power but of God; the Powers that be are ordained of God: Whoſoevor therefore reſiſteth the Power, reſiſteth the Ordinance of God; and they that reſiſt ſhall receive to themſelves Damnation: For Rulers are not a Terror to good Works, but to the evil[2] Fear the Lord and the King, and meddle not with thoſe that are given to Change[3] Submit yourſelves to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's Sake; whether it be to the King as Supreme; or unto Governors, as unto them that are ſent by him, for the Terror of Evil-doers, and the Praiſe of them that do well[4].

Cultivate the Principles of true Liberty; and teach them to your Children; that they may not be early enſnared by ſlaviſh Doctrines, which may render them hurtful to Society, and involve themſelves and their dear eſt Concerns in Ruin.

The Calamities we in this Country have felt, and the Judgments with which GOD has been pleaſed to viſit us, ſhould awaken our Conſciences; and excite us to a ſincere and deep Repentance, for thoſe Sins which have been the procuring Cauſes of them.——How inſenſible have many been of the Excellency of that Religion we have long enjoyed, pure from Idolatry and Superſtition? With what Contempt has the everlaſting Goſpel of Chriſt, and his Ordinances been treated? And how little of the Power of Religion has been ſeen in the Lives of its Profeſſors! How much have profane Swearing, and horrid Perjury abounded?——How much has Luxury, the Parent of many Vices, and productive of the greateſt Miſeries, ſpread its malignant Influence over all Ranks?——And how has Infidelity, Libertiniſm and Licentiouſneſs, prepared the Minds of not a few for any Form of Religion that is calculated for an Indulgence to Vice?——How much more have men been ffected with tem-poral