Page:A Seasonable Warning and Exhortation of the Commission of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.pdf/15

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poral Inconveniences, and the Loſs of their Goods, than with the Danger to which our holy Religion is expoſed?

Conſider the ineſtimable Privileges you have long poſſeſt, The Wonders of GOD's Providence in the Reformation of thoſe Nations from Popery; the Eſtabliſhment of that Reformed Religion, by the glorious Revolution under King William; and the Confirmation of it, by raiſing the illuſtrious Family of Hanover to the Throne of theſe Kingdoms.——Let a lively Senſe of theſe valuable Bleſſings be continually preſerved in your Minds; that you may not be ſhamefully unthankful to GOD, ungrateful to your worthy Anceſtors, and unfaithful to your Poſterity.

We muſt earneſtly recommend it to all the Miniſters of this National Church, to endeavour, by public and private inſruction, to fill the Minds of People of all Ranks and Ages, as they have Opportunity, with a juſt Abhorrence of the Abominations of Popery; the Terrors of arbitrary Power, and of the extreme Danger theſe Lands muſt be certainly expoſed to, of being over-run with Superſtition, Tyranny and Oppreſſion, if GOD for our Sins ſhould ever ſuffer the Pretender to reign over us.

Senſible of the Peace, and the many great Privileges we have long enjoyed; and the danger to which we are now expoſed:——Let us mourn over our own Sins, and the Wickedneſſes that are daily committed in the Land, which have drawn down theſe heavy Judgments upon us.——Let us ſearch and try our Ways, and turn again unto the Lord; that, for Jeſus Sake, he may have Compaſſion upon us; pardon our Sins; prevent our Ruin, and ſtrengthen what he has wrought for us.

Let us, in the moſt earneſt Manner, addreſs Almighty GOD of infinite Mercy, thro' the Blood of our Lord Jeſus Chriſt, to pour down a Spirit of Grace and Supplication, of Repentance and Reformation, upon all Ranks of Men:——That he would enable us to walk worthy of the Goſpel of Chriſt, and animate us with a Temper of Mind ſuitable to it:——That he would teach us to improve the preſent awful Diſpenſation of his Providence; unite us in the Bonds of Peace and Truth; and give us all one Heart and one Way, to fear him and keep his Commandments always; that GOD may dwell with us, and with our poſerity after us.——Let us fervently pray, that GOD may eminently bleſs our only rightful Sovereign King George, and all his Royal Family; protect his Perſon, from all theſecret