Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 1, Introduction) (IA completecoursein01cono).pdf/47

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according to the prevailing mode and shoes that have a good-looking medium heel.

Fig. (18) The thin woman will find frills are her friends.
If You Are Thin.—I don’t mean slim. I am thinking of the women who describe themselves as painfully thin. Some people are naturally thin and have to face their clothes problem just the same as the stout woman has to face hers. You can’t always cover yourself up to your chin, down to wrist and down to heels. Fashion won’t let you do that every season. However, you can adapt the fashions.

Suppose we consider fabrics first. Has it occurred to you that crisp, hard-finished fabrics are trying? Take organdie, for instance. It will accentuate your thinness. On the other hand mull, or batiste, or even voile will give a soft effect that is very becoming.

Taffeta is another material you want to avoid. Crepe silks or charmeuse are really better.

It’s the same with woolen. It’s my advice to pass right by the mohair and poplin counter and purchase instead velour, French serge or wool jersey.

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