Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/76

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material such as flannel make open seams and overcast them.

Fig. (100) The leg seam

Next join the crotch seam, making a French seam in thin material or an open seam, overcast, in heavy goods. Join the two pieces for the crotch facing, making an open seam. Turn the bloomers wrong side out, pin the facing in place, folding under the raw edges and stitch as shown in Fig. 101.

Finish the top of the bloomers with a bias casing. Cut the bias for the casing one and one-half inches wide. Stitch the casing to the top just as described in stitching the bias casing to the bottom of the camisole, only in this case make the casing a little wider. Three-quarters of an inch finished is a good width.

Fig. (101) Reinforce the crotch

Insert half-inch wide elastic cut to fit the waistline snugly plus a lap. Fasten the elastic the same as described in the camisole.

Turn a hem at the bottom of each leg section. Then stitch a bias casing directly above each hem. Cut the bias for each casing one inch wide and just long enough to go

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