Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/77

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around the leg section, plus seams at either end. Turn under all the raw edges and press the bias strip. Stitch it in place as shown in Fig. 102. Insert one-quarter inch wide elastic, cut the length that will fit around leg comfortably, plus a lap. Fasten the ends as described in the camisole.
Fig (102) Stitching on the casing

Making a Nightgown Pattern: When you think of the way you made a bungalow apron pattern, a nightgown pattern won’t seem a difficult task. You see, it’s just a matter of using your foundation waist pattern again. You can vary the style as much as you like.

If you want to copy the gown with the little sleeve cap shown in Fig. 103, draw a straight line on your paper and place your foundation waist pattern with the center-front and center-back edges along this line, with the edges just touching at the neck. Trace around the patterns, remove them and use the traced outline as a diagram. (See Fig. 104.)

Draw a line at right angles to the center-front and center back which will touch the front and back at the neck. This will give you the center of the sleeve cap. Draw your foundation lines at the armhole as described

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