Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/161

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THE WALDENSES. ,,g It is quite probable that this dispute was envenomed by the inevitable jealousy between the main body of the OrdeTand Ttl puntan section known as the Reformed Congregation Sf tl^ Snhfr° V """" "" --r-generaI,andMf anxiety tot gam his furmshmgs was probably due to the fact that he was I tTi T '""^ ^'^'1"'^^*'°'^ - ^ accommodate Xn It a Reformed convent. The vast buildings which it had reamred iiniSntdf ?h? '^"1 u ^~' -- too'itirn snrunken needs The original home of the Dominican Order before the removal in 1230 through the liberality of Pons de Z,Z^r It contained a church with three altars, a reLtorrceU (or nrLon ' chambers, guest-rooms, cloisters, and two gardei t aZ S of the proposed alterations, Leo X. stipulated that some k nd ^f retinng^oom with convenient offices must still be reserved for the use of the Inquisition. This epitomizes the historyTf the instil im llh T "" ""^ "^"^"^^ "^«"^ 1-* i*« power of evil for in 1521 Johann Bomm, Dominican Prinr ^* T>„r , ' at Besanson had the ktisSon Jl "^ ^""^'^y' ^""^ mquisitor or wer-wolves.* '^*^^°*^«'^ "^ despatching two lycanthropists. The career of the Waldenses forms so interesting and well defined an episode in the history of persecution rhnf T i^ l.^ omitted aU reference to that se'^t, rlZX^rll^Tu 'f "'" tmuous outline of its relations ^ith the Inqufs Z ^vhtw '°"," m It, after the disappearance of the CatS^the o^ n '"'^ portant field of labor in France. ' ^ ""^^^^^ "°- Although by no means as numerous or as r.nwa,.f„i ■ t Classes, ^na^^.::i'Z^^^^ ^ 'T!^ sentences of Pierre Cella, rendered in Querci^in 1241 and 1249 t have abundant testimony as to their numbers and activUv 5 references occur to them— activity. Thus, At Gourdon in. At Montcucq in ^ZZZ'Z ^^ ""T^ """* '"^^^^ At Sauveterre in . . ' " " " ^^ 1 case " " K IL— 10 case " " 5 Ripoll IV. 376.-Wieri de Pr^stig. D^mon. Lib. vi. c. 11.