Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/162

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^,^ FRANCE. 14:0 3 cases out of 7 AtBelcayrein ^^^ ^^ ^^ ,^ ^^^ AtMoutaubanm..... ^ ^^^^ ,, ,, 94 AtMoissacin ^^ ^^ ^^ ^2 At Montpezat iu ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ AtMontautin ^^ ^^ ^^ ^, ^^ At Castelnau in and although many of these are mere allusions to havmg seen them or had deaUngs with them, the comparative frequency o he reference indicates the places where their heresy was most flourishing. Thus, Montauban was evidently its headquarters m the district, and at Gourdon and Montcucq there were vigorous '"'They had a regular organization-schools for the young .-l.ere their doctrines were doubtless implanted m the chddi-en of oitho- dox parents; cemeteries where their dead were bm.ed; missiona- S Z: travelled the land diligently to spread Uie and ^vlIO customarily refused aU alms, save hospitabty. A certam P rre Is Taux'is frequently referred to as one of the most active and most beloved of tl^ese, regarded, according to one of his dis- in an angel of hgh;. Public preaching in the streets was con ti and numerous allusions are made to disputations held be- tween the Waldensian ministers and the Catharan perfec s StiU t^utmost good feeling existed between the two persecuted sects S n V e f ound who c°onfessed to believing in the WaWenses and to performing acts of adoration to the Cathari-m the common enmS to Eome any faith which was not orthodox was regarded asTood The repukion of the Waldenses as skilful leeches was a pierfnl aid in their missionary labors. They were constantly oSed in cases of disease or injury, and al-st -tho-^/^P^ tion they refused payment for their mmistrations, save food. One « 'colssedV giving forty sols to a Catharan or medi^a services, while to Waldenses she gave only wme and bread. We e ^n also that they heard confessions and -1-f P-n^^^^^ ^ they celebrated a sacramental supper m which bread and fish « ere • Ses'sed and partaken of, and that bread which ^^^^^ with the sign of the cross was regarded as holy by then- discip es. rltJstalding the strength and organization of th^^^^^^^^^ Waldenses were endently looked upon by Pierre Cella ^^ ith a less