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God, by which we can do all things. " I can do all things through Christ, which strengthened! me." (Phil. iv. 12.) So said S. Paul, and so ought to say each one of us. But this help is not given unless it be sought for in prayer. "Ask and ye shall receive." Let us not trust ourselves, then, or our resolutions; for if we put confidence in these, we shall be lost; but when we are tempted of the devil, let us place it in the help of God, commending ourselves to Jesus Christ. This is especially needful when our chastity is tempted, since this temptation is the most terrible of all, and it is that by which the devil gave the most victories. We have not strength in this respect, save from God. We must, therefore, in such temptations, quickly fly to Jesus Christ, and frequently invoke His holy Name. He who so acts shall conquer; and he who acts not thus, shall be overcome.

Affections and Prayers.

"Cast me not away from Thy presence." (Ps. li. 11.) Ah, my God, do not cast me away from Thy presence. I know well that Thou wilt never abandon me if I do not first abandon Thee; but from the experience of my past wisdom, I am fearful of doing this. But, Lord, do Thou give me the strength that I must have to resist hell, which seeks to find me again its slave. I ask it of Thee, for the love of Jesus Christ. Establish, O my Saviour, between Thee and me, a perpetual peace, which will never be broken; and therefore give me Thy holy love. " He that loveth not, .... abideth in death." (i S. John iii. 14.) But he who loves Thee, is not dead; Thou, O God of my soul, must save me from this unhappy death. I was lost, truly Thou knowest it; it was Thy goodness alone which led me back to my present condition, and I hope to continue in Thy grace. Ah! do not suffer me, my Jesus, by that bitter death which Thou enduredst for me, willingly to turn away and lose myself. I love Thee above all things; and I trust ever to be bound by this holy love, and so being bound, to die and so being bound, to live for ever.