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Second Point.

Let us now consider how it is possible to conquer the world. If the devil be a powerful enemy, the world is a worse one; for if he did not make use of the world and of wicked men, who form the world, he could not obtain the victories that he does. Our Redeemer warns us, not so much to be on our guard against devils as against men. " Beware of men." (S. Matt. x. 17.) Men sin ofttimes more than devils, since the devils flee at prayer and at the invocation of the Name of Jesus; but if evil companions tempt any one to sin, and he answers by some spiritual word, they flee not, but rather the more tempt him, and deride him; they call him a poor creature, one without breeding, one who is fit for nothing; and when they can say nothing else against him, they call him a hypocrite who feigns holiness. And certain weak minds, to escape such reproaches and derisions, miserably associate with these ministers of Satan, and return to the vomit. Be persuaded, my brother, that if you desire to live well, you will have to bear the taunts and revilings of the wicked. " He that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked." (Prov. xxix. 27.) He who lives badly cannot bear to see those who are living well; and why? Because their life is a continual reproach to him, and therefore he would wish that all should imitate himself, so as not to have that pain of remorse which the good life of others causes him. There is no help for this, says the Apostle, for " all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 S. Tim. iii. 12.) All the saints have been persecuted. Who is more holy than Jesus Christ? And the world so persecuted Him even to a bloody death upon the Cross.

There is no help for this, since the precepts of the world are wholly contrary to those of Jesus Christ. That which the world esteems, by Jesus Christ is called folly. " The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God." (i Cor. iii. 19.) Whilst, on the contrary, the world calls that folly which is esteemed by Jesus Christ. " For the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness." (i Cor. i. 18.) But let us comfort ourselves, that