Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/89

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ar, seems; ar leam, methinks, Ir. M. Ir. dar, E. Ir. indar, atar, with la, O. Ir. inda, ata, da; where ta, tar is the verb tha (thathar), is, with prep. or rel. in before it. Tha leam-sa (Mrs Grant). See na, than.

àr, plough, E. Ir. ar, W. ar, ploughed land; Lat. aro; Lit. ariù Got. arjan, Eng. ear, plough.

àr, battle, slaughter, Ir. and O. Ir. ár, W. aer, *agro-; root ag, drive; Gr. ἄγρα, chase; see àgh.

àra, kidney, Ir. ára(nn), O. Ir. áru, g. áran, W. aren, *ṇfron-; Lat. nefrōnes; Gr. νεφρóς, Ger. nieren. Stokes refers ára to ad-rên, the ren being the same as Lat. ren.

arabhaig, strife; cf O. Ir. irbág, arbag, *air-bāg, Norse bágr, strife.

àrach, rearing; see àiridh, shealing. It is possible to refer this word to *ad-reg-, reg being the root which appears in éirich.

àrachas, insurance, so Ir., E. Ir. árach, bail, contract, *ad-rig-, root rig, bind, which see in cuibhreach.

àradh, a ladder, Ir. aradh, E. Ir. árad:

araiceil, valiant, important, Ir. árach, strength, árachdach, puissant, *ad-reg-, root reg, rule, direct.

àraidh, certain, some, Ir. áirighe, M. Ir. áiridhe, *ad-rei-; cf. W. rhai, rhyw, some, certain, which Rhys compares to Got. fraiv, seed.

ar-amach, rebellion; for *eirigh-amach, "out-rising".

aran, bread, Ir., M. Ir., arán; root ar, join, Gr. αραρισκω, ἄρτος. See next.

arbhar, corn, so Ir., E. Ir. arbar; O. Ir. arbe, frumentum; Lat. arvum, field. Also Gaul. arinca, "frumenti genus Gallicum" (Pliny), Gr. ἄρακος, vetch, Skr. arakas, a plant.

arbhartaich, dispossess; *ar-bert-; ar for ex-ró?

arc fungus on decayed wood, cork, arcan, cork, a cork, stopple, Ir. arcan, cork (Lh.):

archuisg, experiment (Sh.):

arcuinn, cow's udder:

àrd, high, Ir., E. Ir. ârd, Gaul. Ardvenna; Lat. arduus; Gr. ὀρθóς

àrd-dorus, lintel, Ir. ardorus, fardorus; àrd- here is a piece of folk etymology, the real word being ar, air, upon. See air and dorus.

arfuntaich, disinherit; *ar-fonn-. See arbhartaich.

argarrach, a claimant; *air+gar; see goir.

argumaid, argument, Ir. argumeint, O. Ir. argumint; from Lat. argumentum.

àrlas, chimney, E. Ir. forlés, roof light; air+leus, q.v.

arm, weapon, Ir., O. Ir. arm, W. arf; from Lat. arma, whence Eng. arms. Stokes says unlikely from Lat.