Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/55

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The Year of Wonders.
The General's force, as kept alive by fight,
Now, not oppos'd, no longer can persue:
Lasting till Heav'n had done his Courage right,
When he had conquer'd he his Weakness knew.

He casts a Frown on the departing Foe,
And sighs to see him quit the watry Field:
His stern fix'd Eyes no satisfaction shew,
For all the glories which the Fight did yield.

Though, as when Fiends did miracles avow,
He stands confess'd e'en by the boastful Dutch,
He only does his Conquest disavow,
And thinks too little what they found too much.

Return'd, he with the Fleet resolv'd to stay,
No tender thoughts of Home his heart divide:
Domestick Joys and Cares he puts away,
For Realms are households which the Great must guide.

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