Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/56

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As those who unripe veins in Mines explore,
On the rich bed again the warm Turf lay,
Till time digests the yet imperfect Ore,
And know it will be Gold another day.

So looks our monarch on this early Fight,
Th' essay, and rudiments of great Success:
Which all-maturing time must bring to light,
While he, like Heav'n, does each days labour bless.

Heaven ended not the first or second day,
Yet each was perfect to the work design'd:
God and Kings work, when they their work survey,
A passive aptness in all Subjects find.

In burden'd Vessels, first, with speedy care,
His plenteous stores do season'd Timber send:
His Majesty repairs the Fleet. Thither the brawny Carpenters repair,
And as the Surgeons of maim'd Ships attend.

143. With