Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/85

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And Rob't scball' make a brigg' of stane oure ye wat' of Swalle atte Catrik, be twix ye olde stane brigg' and ye Newbrigg' of tree, quilke forsaide brygge with ye grace of God sall' be mad' Sufficiant and workmanly in masoncraft acordand in substance to Barnacastell' brigge Aftir ye groud & ye watyr acordes, of twa pilers, two landstathes And' thre Arches And also wt .v. Corsees[1] of Egeoves lik And acordande to ye same Thiknes of Egeoves as Barnacastelle brigg' is of. And also ye forsaid' brigg' schall' have atabill' of hewyn stane vndir ye Alluryng' oure watir mor yan Barnacastell' brigg' has: And ye saides Th' John' And Rob't schall' gett lymstane And birne itte And care itte And make yair lymkilns of yair own' cost, atte yair own' most ease, Als mekylle will' suffis yaim to ye werke abown'.saide,[2] And' all' so ye same Tb' John And Rob't schall fynde And make cariage of sand als mekyll' has yaim nedes to ye warke abownsaid; And ye saides Th' Rob't and Job' schall' haue to yaim & yair mē free entree and issue to care frothe[3] and haue a wey to yair most ease and p'fette ye forsaide lymstane and sande; And saides Nich' Will'am John' And Rog' schall' fynd cariage of all' manere of free stane and of fillynge stane to ye forsaide brigg' to be brogth and laide apone yaire cost atte bothen Endes of ye brigg' to ye most p'fette of ye forsaid Th' Joh'n and Rob't And ye same Nich' And hijs felows schall fynde apon' yair own' cost Als mykill' wode and colles brogth' one ye grovnde as will' suffys and serryf[4] yaim to ye birnyng' of all' ye lymkilnes yt schall' be made to ye forsaid werk' And ye forsaid Nich' And his felaws schall' gette lefe and free entre And issue to ye saides masons And yair men̄ to come to ye wherell' of Sedbery And to ye qwerell' of Rysedalle berk'[5] for to brek ye stane yt schall' go to ye saide brigg' or to any othir qwerell' yt is wyth' in ye bovndes quilk yt is most p'fitable to ye forsaid werke: And as ye wherreours brekes ye saide stanes And schapils yaim in ye saides qwerrels yt yen ye forsaide Nich' And his falaws gare[6] of yair cost void ye stanes fro ye wherreors yt yai be not taride ne Indird' in yair werke be cause of voidyng' of ye forsaid stanes And ye same Nich' And his felaws schall' fynd mak or gare make apon̄ yair own cost all' manere of Tymbirwerke quilke atte schall' go or at is nesessar' or nedfull' to ye saide brigg' yt is to say ye branderathes[7] of ye pilers and of ye landstathes And ye seentrees with all'man'e schaffaldyng' And othire tre werke yt is nedfull' to ya saide brigg' to lay And rayse yaim of yair own' cost, wt ye help of ye masons &[8] . . . . . . . . . . rs & yai to haue yaim wene ye werke is p'furnist & don: And ye forsaide. Nich' and his felaws schall' make ridde ye groundes in ye watir

  1. Courses, of parapet wall?
  2. Compare "abownsaid," two lines after. It must be observed that u is usually here written instead of v, in the middle of a word; we have "oure" ovr or over; "mor our," moreover; "haue" have; "inuenc," invencion, &c. This word, however, seems in both cases to be the North-country "aboon," above. See Boucher and Brockett's Glossaries. Mr. Raine, however, appears to consider the word (in the Catterick Church Contract) to be above. See page 9, note.
  3. Carry forth: By transposition. Thus also Fryst for first (Barbour). Fromity, Northern dialect, for furmity. Hallamshire Glossary. Fro occurs in the context, instead of for.
  4. Serve them.
  5. Sic. Possibly to be read beck, a brook; a word common to all the Northern dialects.
  6. Gar, to make, force, compel. Brockett. It is used by Chaucer.
  7. Brandrith, the fence at the mouth of a well. Nicholson. Or a sort of coffer dam, called also Battardeux (ib).
  8. A word effaced. Carpenters or labourers? Sir W. Lawson proposes—yair men.