Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/47

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///.' AKTE OR Ci h KlIt-.TlIuKYhl: 45

All themes that parteyne to Logike eyther they be Syrople or co/w- gounde. As yf aman defyre to knowe of me what Juftice is / this only luftirc is my theme/ Or yf difputacyon be had in

an\ ' company vpon Kdvgion / and I wold declare the very nature of Religion my theme fhulde be thys fymple or one thynge Relyg- yon. Hut yf it be douted whether Juftice be a vertue or nat / and I wokle prom- tin- par ;vuc/ my theme were now compounde

/ that is to lay / Juftice is a vertue. For it is made of .ii.'thynges knvte or vnied togither/ Juftice and vertu. Here muft be noted that Logike is a playne and a Cure way to inl'tructc a man of the trouth of euery thynge. And that in it the natures, caufes, partis, and effectes of thinges ar by certayne rule : id and fercl.

out/ So that nothingecan be perfectly and pi knowen but

by rules of Loike[,| whiche is nothynge but an obferuacyon or a diligent mat- .f nature / wherby in euery thynge mannes

rerion dothe confyder what is fyrfte / whal lafte vhal \>:,,\,:>- A':./ /* impropre.

The places or instrumentes of a lymple theme ar.

The definicion of the thyng. The partes.

The caufes. The effectes.

Example. If thou inquyre what thyng [A vi a] Juftyce is / Wherof it cometh/what partes it hathe/and what is the offyce or effecte of euery parte / then hafte thou diligently ferched out the whole nature of Juftice. And handelyd thy lymple theme accord- ynge to the preceptes of Logeciens/ To whome cure author leuith fuche maters to be difcuflyd of them. Howe be it fomwhat the Rhetoriciens haue to do with the Ivmple theme/ and afmoch as fhalbe for theyr entent we wyl f hew hereafter. For many tymes the orator muft vie bothe diffinicions and diuifions. But as they be in /' *-jJt,+ Logyke playne and compendioufe / So are they in Rhetorike extendid X- paynted with many fygures and ornamentes longynge s to the Icience. NVuertheles to fatillie the reders mynde and to alleuiate the tedioulhes of ferchynge thefe places I wyll opyn the maner and falVhyon of the handilynge of the theme afore fayd as playnely as I can after the preceptes of Logike / c fyrft to ferche out the perfyght knowlege of Juftyce I go to my fyrft place definicion / And fetche frow Ariftotle in his ethiks the definicion

1 B. omits any. B. two. * B. belong

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