Page:Atharva-Veda samhita.djvu/19

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Contents of General Introduction, Part II.


5. Refrains and the like in the manuscripts cxx–cxxi
Written out in full only in first and last verse of a sequence cxx
Treated by the Anukramaṇī as if unabbreviated cxx
Usage of the editions in respect of such abbreviated passages cxxi
6. Marks of accentuation in the manuscripts cxxi–cxxiii
Berlin edition uses the Rig-Veda method of marking accents cxxi
Dots for lines as accent-marks cxxi
Marks for the independent svarita cxxii
Horizontal stroke for svarita cxxii
Udātta marked by vertical stroke above, as in Māitrāyaṇī cxxii
Accent-marks in the Bombay edition cxxii
Use of a circle as avagraha-sign cxxii
7. Orthographic method pursued in the Berlin edition cxxiii–cxxvi
Founded on the usage of the mss., but controlled by the Prātiçakhyā cxxiii
That treatise an authority only to a certain point cxxiii
Its failure to discriminate between rules of wholly different value cxxiii
Items of conformity to the Prātiçakhyā and of departure therefrom cxxiv
Transition-sounds: as in tān-t-sarvān cxxiv
Final -n before ç- and j-: as in paçyañ janmāni cxxiv
Final -n before c-: as in yāṅç ca cxxiv
Final -n before t-: as in tāṅs te cxxiv
Final -t before ç-: as in asmac charavaḥ cxxv
Abbreviation of consonant groups: as in pan̄kti cxxv
Final -m and -n before l-: as in kaṅ lokam cxxv
Visarga before st- and the like: as in ripu stenaḥ cxxvi
The kampa-figures 1 and 3 cxxvi
The method of marking the accent cxxvi
8. Metrical form of the Atharvan Saṁhitā cxxvi–cxxvii
Predominance of anuṣṭubh stanzas cxxvi
Extreme irregularity of the metrical form cxxvii
Apparent wantonness in the alteration of Rig-Veda material cxxvii
To emend this irregularity into regularity is not licit cxxvii
9. Divisions of the text cxxvii–cxl
Summary of the various divisions cxxvii
The first and second and third "grand divisions" cxxvii
1. The (unimportant) division into prapāṭhakas or 'lectures' cxxviii
Their number and distribution and extent cxxviii
Their relation to the anuvāka-divisions cxxviii
2. The (fundamental) division into kāṇḍas or 'books' cxxix
3. The division into anuvākas or 'recitations' cxxix
Their number, and distribution over books and grand divisions cxxix
Their relation to the hymn-divisions in books xiii.–xviii. cxxx
4. The division into sūktas or 'hymns' cxxxi
The hymn-divisions not everywhere of equal value cxxxi
5. The division into ṛcas or 'verses' cxxxi
6. Subdivisions of verses: avasānas, pādas, and so forth cxxxii