Page:Atharva-Veda samhita.djvu/20

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Contents of General Introduction, Part II.


Numeration of successive verses in the mss. cxxxii
Groupings of successive verses into units requiring special mention: cxxxii
Decad-sūktas or 'decad-hymns' cxxxii
Artha-sūktas or 'sense-hymns' cxxxiii
Paryāya-sūktas or 'period-hymns' cxxxiii
Differences of the Berlin and Bombay numerations in books vii. and xix. cxxxiv
Differences of hymn-numeration in the paryāya-books cxxxiv
Whitney's criticism of the numbering of the Bombay edition cxxxvi
Suggestion of a preferable method of numbering and citing cxxxvi
Differences of verse-numeration cxxxvii
Summations of hymns and verses at end of divisions cxxxviii
The summations quoted from the Pañcapaṭalikā cxxxviii
Indication of extent of divisions by reference to an assumed norm cxxxviii
Tables of verse-norms assumed by the Pañcapaṭalikā cxxxix
The three "grand divisions" are recognized by the Pañcapaṭalikā cxxxix
10. Extent and structure of the Atharva-Veda Saṁhitā cxl–clxi
Limits of the original collection
Books xix. and xx. are later additions cxli
The two broadest principles of arrangement of books i.–xviii.: cxlii
1. Miscellaneity or unity of subject and 2. length of hymn cxlii
The three grand divisions (I., II., III.) as based on those principles cxlii
The order of the three grand divisions cxlii
Principles of arrangement of books within the grand division: cxlii
1. Normal length of the hymns for each of the several books cxliii
2. The amount of text in each book. Table cxliii
Arrangement of the hymns within any given book cxliii
Distribution of hymns according to length in divisions I. and II. and III. cxlvi
Tables (1 and 2 and 3) for those divisions (see pages cxliv–cxlv) cxlvi
Grouping of hymns of book xix. according to length cxlvi
Table (number 4) for book xix. cxlvii
Summary of the four tables. Table number 5. cxlvii
Extent of AV. Saṁhitā about one half of that of RV. cxlvii
First grand division (books i.–vii.): short hymns of miscellaneous subjects cxlvii
Evidence of fact as to the existence of the verse-norms cxlviii
Express testimony of both Anukramaṇīs as to the verse-norms cxlviii
One verse is the norm for book vii. cxlix
Arrangement of books within the division:
1. With reference to the normal length of the hymns cxlix
Excursus: on hymn xix. 23, Homage to parts of the Atharva-Veda cl
Exceptional character of book vii. cli
Book vii. a book of after-gleanings supplementing books i.–vi. clii
2. Arrangement of books with reference to amount of text clii
Résumé of conclusions as to the arrangement of books i.–vii. clii
Departures from the norms by excess cliii
Critical significance of those departures cliii
Illustrative examples of critical reduction to the norm cliii
Arrangement of the hymns within any given book of this division cliv