Page:Autobiographies and portraits of the President, cabinet, Supreme court, and Fifty-fifth Congress (IA autobiographiesp02neal).pdf/171

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Lee Mantle was born in England, December 13, 1851. At the age of nine years he came to this country with his mother (his father being dead), and worked at first upon farms. A few years afterward was employed upon the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad, and then engaged in building in Utah. In 1877 located at Butte City, Mont., and there opened the Wells Fargo Express Company's office. Here he was soon interested in many enterprises. In 1881 organized the Inter-Mountain Publishing Company, thus becoming the business manager of the first Republican daily newspaper on the west side of the mountains, in Montana. His ability and indefatigable energy soon made him a conspicuous figure in the political history of Montana. His rise was rapid and well merited. Has been alderman and mayor of his home city; was three times elected to the Territorial legislature of Montana, the last time being made speaker; was the first president of the Mineral Land Association of Montana; in 1884 was a delegate to the national Republican convention; in March, 1892, the State legislature failed to elect a United States Senator, and he being the caucus nominee when the legislature adjourned, the governor appointed him to fill the vacancy; the United States Senate, however, decided that it was the duty of the legislature to elect and that the governor of a State could not legally appoint under such circumstances, and he was refused a seat; January 15, 1895, he was elected by the legislature to fill the existing vacancy. He was in