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ted to the Secretary, or to the Sheriff of the County, in which such election shall have been held. The Sheriff receiving said votes shall deliver, or cause them to be delivered to the Secretary, within fifteen days next after said election. The votes so returned shall be counted by the Treasurer, Secretary and Controller, within the month of April. A fair list of the persons and number of votes given for each, together with the returns of the presiding officers, shall be, by the Treasurer, Secretary and Controller, made and laid before the General Assembly, then next to be holden, on the first day of the session thereof; and said Assembly shall, after examination of the same, declare the person whom they shall find to be legally chosen, and give him notice accordingly. If no person shall have a majority of the whole number of said votes, or if two or more shall have an equal and the greatest number of said votes, then said Assembly, on the second day of their session, by joint ballot of both houses, shall proceed, without debate, to choose a Governor from a list of the names of the two persons having the greatest number of votes, or of the names of the persons having an equal and highest number of votes so returned as aforesaid. The General Assembly shall be law prescribe the manner in which all questions concerning the election of a Governor or Lieutenant Governor shall be determined.

§ 3. At the annual meetings of the electors, immediately after the election of Governor, there shall also be chosen in the same manner as is herein be-