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termination of any session thereof. And for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place.

§ 11. The debates of each House shall be public, except on such occasions as in the opinion of the House may require secrecy.

Article Fourth.


§ 1. The supreme executive power of the State shall be vested in a Governor, who shall be chose by the electors of the State, and shall hold his office for one year from the first Wednesday of May next succeeding his election, and until his successor be duly qualified. No person who is not an elector of this State, and who has not arrived at the age of thirty years, shall be eligible.

§ 2. At the meetings of the electors in the respective Towns in the month of April in each year, immediately after the election of Senators, the presiding officers shall call upon the electors to bring in their ballots for him whom they would elect to be Governor, with his name fairly written. When such ballots shall have been received and counted in the presence of the electors, duplicate lists of the persons voted for, and of the number of votes given for each, shall be made and certified by the presiding officer, one of which lists shall be deposited in the office of the Town Clerk within three days, and the other, within ten days after said election, shall be transmit-