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bly, which is to be formed in October next, shall have, and possess, all the powers and authorities, not repugnant to, or inconsistent with this Constitution, which they now have and possess, until the first Wednesday of May next.

§ 4. No Judge of the Superior Court, or of the Supreme Court of Errors; no member of Congress; no person holding any office under the authority of the United States; no person holding the office of Treasurer, Secretary, or Controller; no Sheriff or Sheriff’s deputy, shall be a member of the General Assembly.

Article Eleventh.


Whenever a majority of the House of Representatives shall deem it necessary to alter, or amend this Constitution, they may propose such alterations and amendments; which proposed amendments shall be continued to the next General Assembly, and be published with the laws which may have been passed at the same session; and if two thirds of each House, at the next Session of said Assembly, shall approve the amendments proposed, by yeas and nays, said amendments shall, by the Secretary, be transmitted to the town clerk in each town in this State; whose duty it shall be to present the same to the inhabitants thereof, for their consideration, at a town-meeting, legally warned and held for that purpose; and if it shall appear in