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a manner to be provided by law, that a majority of the electors present at such meetings, shall have approved such amendments, the same shall be valid, to all intents and purposes, as a part of this Constitution.

Done in Convention on the fifteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and of the Independence of the United States the forty-third.

By order of the Convention.

James Lanman, Clerks.
Robert Fairchild,

In Convention, September 15, A. D. 1818.

Directed, that the Constitution which has been framed, and approved by this Convention, shall be signed by the President, countersigned by the Clerks, and deposited in the office of the Secretary. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary forthwith to transmit seven hundred copies thereof, to the town Clerks of the several towns in this State, which copies shall be apportioned among said towns according to their respective lists. The said Constitution, shall, by said town Clerks, be submitted to the consideration of the qualified voters in said towns, for their approbation, and ratification, on the first Monday of October next, in the respective town meetings, legally warned for that purpose.

And that the number required to approve, and ratify said Constitution, be a majority of the qualified voters present, and voting at such meetings, to be convened agreeable to the Resolution of the General Assembly, in such case provided, passed at their Session in May last.

A true copy,
Attest—JAMES LANMAN, Clerk.