Page:Barlaam and Josaphat. English lives of Buddha.djvu/42

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plained by their derivation from a script in which n and r are indistinguishable. This occurs in the Pehlevi alphabet, and not in the Syriac: so I am again confirmed in my dissent from Dr. Kuhn's[1] view, that the Georgian was derived from the Syriac version. The Georgian form, Zandani, is at least a step closer to India. Incidentally the name tells us from what part of India the legend was derived. Among the Buddhists of Southern India the Master's charioteer is known as Channa, among those of the North he has the fuller name, Chandaka. By the presence of the d in the Georgian and Greek forms we learn that their source is to be found, as I was to be expected, among the Northern Buddhists.

We still have to determine the relations of the

  1. The sentence in which Dr. Kuhn states the above facts, with the requisite references, fills seventeen lines of his Memoir, pp. 34-5, and includes no less than 230 words. It is in other respects a model German scientific sentence, and I would have quoted it as a warning example, but that I owe so much to Dr. Kuhn, and feel that its clumsiness is not personal to him, but merely characteristic of the want of consideration for their readers shown by German scientific writers.