Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/223

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At Cape Peril

mentioned in polite motoring society. But some cars can negotiate almost anything, and Nash's car was of that breed. When this nightmare of a trail was left behind and the car crossed the tongue of land that connected the so-called "island" with the mainland, they struck a passable shellroad, and Hardy, having the law by his side, tried to outspeed the wind on his northwesterly journey. An hour's run brought him to the point where the branch road struck off in the direction of Seagulls' Nest. He had made this without incident to the point where he was rounding the curve. Here, knowing that he had practically reached his destination, he had taken his eyes from the illuminated road in front to direct the deputy's attention to the position of Cape Peril, with some remarks about the possible effects of the storm, when, to his consternation, he found he was right on an object standing to one side in the road. An instant's glance showed him it was a runabout, but despite his desperate effort to veer off he was unable to avoid crashing into it.

Then followed the excited talk that Cat Miller had heard from his covert.