Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/224

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"Who's that?" demanded Hardy sharply when he heard a voice cry out in the darkness.

All three from the colliding auto were instantly on the alert.

"It's Cat! Cat Miller!" sang out the voice lustily. "Don't shoot! It's Cat."

"It is Cat!" assured Hatton excitedly.

Hardy, who, at the first sound, had drawn his revolver, now returned it to its holster, and yelled out: "Where in the dickens are you? Come on here!"

Cat bounded up and ran forward. As soon as his face came into the glare, it showed an expression of the greatest agitation.

"There was a man, a man, lame, trying to get into the machine," he panted out to the perturbed listeners. "He slipped down there!"

The boy stretched his hand toward the left road side. "I heard him! I saw him!"

His astounding news created a great stir