Page:Beowulf (Wyatt).djvu/80

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ēode eorla sum,æþele cempa
self mid gesīðum,þǣr se snotera bād,
hwæþre him Al-walda[1]ǣfre wille
1315æfter wēa-spellewtrpe gefremman.
Gang ðā æfter flōrefyrd-wyrðe man
mid his hand-scole[2](heal-wudu dynede),
þæt hē þone wīsanwordum nǣgde[3]
frēan Ingwina,frægn gif him wǣre
1320æfter nēod-laðu[4]niht getǣse.


Hrōðgār maþelode,helm Scyldinga:
“Ne frīn þū æfter sǣlum;sorh is genīwod
Denigea lēodum.Dēad is Æschere,
Yrmenlāfesyldra brōþor,
1325mīn rūn-witaond mīn rǣd-bora,
eaxl-gestealla,ðonne wē on orlege
hafelan weredon,þonne hniton fēþan,
eoferas cnysedan.*Swy[lc][5] scolde eorl wesan,Fol. 159b.
[æþeling][6] ǣr-gōd,swylc Æschere wæs.
1330Wearð him on Heorotetō hand-banan
wæl-gæst wǣfre;ic ne wāt hwæder[7]

  1. 1314. MS. ‘alf walda.’ Cf. ll. 316, 955.
  2. 1317. MS. ‘hand scale.’ Cf. l. 1963. There seems absolutely no authority or support for the form scale, which is retained by most editors.
  3. 1318. AB ‘hnægde’; now de gone. The h is prosthetic. “Wordum nǣgan (nēgan)” occurs Elene 287, 559, Exodus 23, etc.
  4. 1320. Sweet ‘nēod-laðe’; but see Sievers § 253, N. 2.
  5. 1328. MS. defective at corner; AB ‘swyscolde.’
  6. 1329. No gap in MS.
  7. 1331. MS. ‘hwæþer.’ Toller gives three instances of hwæder=hwider.