Page:Bony lad.pdf/6

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The roving maids of Aberdeen,
they are ſo briſk and airy,
They make the young men laugh at them,
their heads ſo high they carry.

Now to behold theſe pretty maids,
as they walk on the cauſey,
With ruffle cuffs and capuchines,
and w w but they be ſaucy.

With fine net-hoods upon their heads,
each dame a buckling-comb O,
Which mounted is with ſilver bright,
and ſet with Briſto’-ſtone'O.

Their lockets fine, that bright do ſhine,
a glancing broach below it;
Their bravery full well you fee,
how proud they are to ſhow it.

With new-fashion caps of different shapes,
that are ſo monſtrous high O!
Suoh florey piggs, upon their heads,
are frightful to the eye O!