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The other night I got ſuch fright,.
I bleſs'd from all evil,
When a lady came in shining robes,
I thought it was the Devil!

With a cap more high than granad
and hair dreſt in ſuch order
She appeared like ſweet Marg’ret’s ghoſf
Coin’d from the Stygian border.

With ſilken hoſe, and fine pink shoes,
they are all trim’d and ready ;
It is not eaſy for to know
a ſcodgie by a lady.

There’s laſſes bright turns out at night,
their ſign is a white apron ;
All in the dark to ſeek a ſpark,
and wha but our Miſs Kathrine.

Some laſſes then, I do offend,
in telling of your knavery,
For that’s the way, I’m bold to fay,
that you’ve won all your bravery,

The roving maids of Aberdeen,
when they go to the dancing,
The young men all admire the ſport.
they are ſo neat and handſome.