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right now, but if you have an answer, I need it quickly. We need to know what, if anything, you would do."

"I'm telling you, I will resign immediately, because I am not going to stick around for this. And the rest of you, you can make your own decision. That's fine. And we'll respect the decision no matter what it may be."

"And, John," meaning John Demers, "I hope you do not resign, because you are the NSD AAG, and we need stability, particularly if the Department leadership changes. National security is too important to have turnover, so I hope you stick around."

"But the rest of you, give it some thought, and let me or Pat know in the next few minutes if you have a decision. If you don't have a decision, that's fine. But if you do have one, let me know."

And before we could even hang up, they began chiming in. First, the Civil Rights AAG chimed in and said, don't need to think about this. I'm out. If this happens, there's no way I'm sticking around for this." And then the others, I think they all chimed in on the call. If they didn't, they called immediately after and said, "Put me on the list."

And so it was unanimous; everyone was going to resign if Jeff Rosen was removed from the seat.

Q All right.

So, after this conversation with the Assistant Attorneys General in the afternoon of Sunday, everybody agrees, Mr. Donoghue, except for Mr. Demers, who's the head of NSD, that they're going to quit if the President makes a leadership change at the top of the Department?

A Yes.

Q And did you convey that to Mr. Rosen before the two of you go to the White House?