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A Yes.

Q All right. So, when you get to the White House—or is there anything else that happens before you go over there with Mr. Rosen?

A Just one other point that's relevant.

Q Yeah.

A Apparently, there were calls back and forth. My sense was Pat Cipollone was in the middle of these different phone calls between Jeff Rosen and Jeff Clark. I don't think they talked to each other directly at this point.

Q Okay.

A A But the bottom line was, Jeff Clark said he would only agree to meet at the White House if Jeff Rosen came alone. And Jeff Rosen relayed that to me. And so, as we were getting toward the time to leave, I was again asking, "Is there anything else I can do? What do you need me to do?" And he said, "I need you to come to the White House."

And I said, "That's fine. I'll do whatever you want. But didn't Clark, sort of, lay out this condition?" And he just waved and said, "I don't care what Jeff Clark wants. I want you to come to the White House. You know these issues better than me," in terms of the election investigations.

And he said, "You know what we'll do? We'll have you wait outside the Oval. If I don't need you, you don't need to come in, but if questions arise that I can't answer, then we'll pull you in."

And we then went to the White House.

Q About what time of day is it when you get to the White House?

A 6:00 p.m.

Q All right. Do you wait outside the Oval when Mr. Rosen goes in?