Page:CTRL0000034600 - Transcribed Interview of Richard Peter Donoghue, (Oct. 1, 2021).pdf/122

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A The meeting was set for 6:15. I think we went directly to the White House Counsel's Office and talked very briefly with Pat Cipollone and Pat Philbin and then had to head to the Oval Office. When we got down—

Q What was their position, Mr. Donoghue, on this possible leadership change, Mr. Cipollone and Mr. Philbin, if they were aligned?

A They were completely opposed to it.

So I think we met with them and then went to the Oval. I sat outside the Oval Office down the hallway on a couch. There was a television. And the Acting Attorney General went back to the Oval.

I was sitting on the couch. I remember that whatever news channel was on was talking about the President's call with Raffensperger in Georgia. And this was the first I'd heard of that, while I'm sitting outside the Oval. And they were playing the audio and talking about the call. And I assumed that was going to overwhelm the conversation in the Oval Office, but when I got there, no one even mentioned it. So apparently that wasn't controlling the situation.

While I was sitting on the couch, I saw General Milley walk by. And then, very shortly after that, the chief of staff walked by. He just nodded and said, "Good luck," and went on his way.

And after about 25 minutes of sitting on the couch, one of the administrative assistants walked by. She said, "Are you supposed to be in this meeting with the President?" I said, "No, I'm only here to answer questions if they come up and no one has the answer." She said, "Okay," went back, and then she came back a moment later and said, "The President wants you in this meeting." So I got up and I walked into the Oval Office.

Q And it had been going on, you think, roughly, Mr. Donoghue, 25 minutes or