Page:CTRL0000034600 - Transcribed Interview of Richard Peter Donoghue, (Oct. 1, 2021).pdf/168

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So after the DAG explained what our view was of our role, General Milley began again reiterating that no one should want Active Duty troops used except as a last resort. And, again, we were all in agreement with that. And we began—

Q Was this after you all agreed that you would take on the, you know, the intel command posts until—that aspect of it, this was brought up again by General Milley?

A Yes. He went back to reiterate what he had started the conversation with the day before: No one should want Active Duty troops on the streets of our Capitol. Which we all agreed to.

But then he began reciting those numbers: You know, by my count, Park Police has 500, Secret Service has 160, the Capitol Police have 600, and so on.

I don't know where they got these numbers. No one questioned them. There was no need to. It really wasn't relevant to the conversation.

But he was saying: So by my count, there were thousands of civilian law enforcement officers available to protect Washington, D.C., we are providing National Guard, and with all of those resources, there should be no reason to have Active Duty troops on the streets.

We all agreed. No one was in opposition to that. So we moved on.

Q On the right-hand side of your notes, where it says, "There should be plenty of police forces available without using federal military troops," is that what General Milley said?

A Yes.

Q To your recollection?

A Yes.

Q And the last line there says, "Do we need a," I believe it says, "a police department QRF"?