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A Yes. At that point we were just kind of wrapping up the call, saying, okay, does anyone else think we need anything else? Is there something we're missing? Are there any holes? And so on.

And people were just sort of chiming in. We were spitballing at this point. Do the police departments need a QRF, a quick reaction force? And then some chimed in and said, no, they all have QRFs, of course they do. This is not some small county police department. It's the Metro PD. It's the Capitol Police. They know what they're doing.

And so he said, no, of course, no, they've got that covered.

What about rules of engagement?

No, these are professional law enforcement officers. They know what they can engage and how. And all that sort of stuff.

So at that point we were just king of throwing out ideas to see if we had missed anything.

Q Did anyone address the need for an integrated security plan?

A No. No one used that term. I think that―I don't know exactly what the definition of that would mean from one agency to another.

But it was clear that everyone understood what everyone else's responsibility was, and everyone understood what was available to them if they needed more resources to meet their responsibilities.

Q And during that call, did anyone, whether DOD or otherwise, bring up any potential for Proud Boys to be attending or the Boogaloo Boys, or raise any concerns about particular groups who may be attending that?

A I don't remember Proud Boys or Boogaloo Boys specifically being mentioned. I think we just talked more generally about left-wing, right wing, or Pro-Trump,