Page:CTRL0000034600 - Transcribed Interview of Richard Peter Donoghue, (Oct. 1, 2021).pdf/170

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anti-Trump groups coming to the Capitol. It didn't really matter what they called themselves. It was a matter of they're upset, they're coming to the Capitol, and there's a potential for violence.

Q All right. The January 4th call was the last coordination call before January 6th. Is that right?

A Yes, that's right.

Q And is it fair to say at the end of that call people felt prepared as they entered January 6th, in terms of the agency response?

A Yes. I think that's right. Like I said, everyone knew what everyone else was doing. We had not just created the wheel here. This had been done in many times in D.C. The Park Police knew their responsibilities. The Secret Service knew their responsibilities. The Capitol Police knew their responsibilities. MPD. FPS.

Everyone knew what everyone else was doing. Everyone knew that there was a danger of violence. Everyone knew that the Capitol and other facilities were potential targets. And I think we all felt comfortable that we were aware what the situation was, and we had the resources in place to address it.

I do remember now, as I'm looking at these notes, Dave Bowdich was in the DAG's office for this call. So Dave and I and the DAG were in that same office. There might have been some other people representing DOJ.

But, you know, when we hung up the phone, we sat around talking about it, again, amongst ourselves. Do we have everything in place? Have all the SWAT teams and HR teams been moved, or are they at least en route? That sort of thing to make sure that we had everything available.

Q Did anyone from DOJ on your side or within the Bureau have any contact with anyone from Capitol Police about their preparations?