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And DAG Rosen and I were essentially saying the same thing: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We're aware of the report, and just sort of wait to see what the results of the hand recount are. And the President accepted that. He was fine with that, but he was clearly very worked up about this claim that there was a 68-percent error rate.

Q I see. So you and DAG Rosen explained to him: We're looking at it. We're going to—this hand recount is going on, and CISA is looking at it, and we'll see, right. We'll look into this claim of a 68-percent error rate?

A That's right.

Q Okay. Did he raise any other election-related issues during that meeting?

A He may have. I don't specifically remember, and I didn't take notes in that meeting. Throughout this time period, from the 15th through January 3rd, the President raised a number of these issues. And, when he would raise them, it was generally in the context of, are you guys aware of this? Did you hear about the Michigan report? Did you hear about this in Pennsylvania? Did you hear about that in Georgia? And we would generally just say, "Yes, sir, we're aware of it, thank you," just to check the block that, yes, we were aware without giving much detail in terms of what, if anything, we were doing about it.

So he may have raised other things, but if he did, it certainly was secondary to Antrim County because this was the crux of the conversation. A report had been issued. The report claimed 68-percent error rate. That obviously had implications far beyond Antrim County, far beyond Michigan, and we needed to just find out if this could be true or not.

Q I see. So the main topic of conversation, perhaps not exclusive but main, was this ASOG report and the allegations coming from Michigan?

A Right.