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issues, he mentions the special counsel, he mentions the explosion in Tennessee, he mentions FBI—allegations that the FBI doesn't like him, and he mentions Hunter Biden. All of that—

A Yes.

Q —just are part of the tangents that you referenced in terms of his manner of speaking?

A Correct.

Q And any response by you or Mr. Rosen to any of those specific—

A So, throughout this—the President, obviously, does the great majority of the talking. But, throughout this, both DAG Rosen and I are just trying to respond very specifically to what he's saying and saying things like, "Okay, that's fine, sir." This thing about Pennsylvania having more votes than ballots actually cast, "We can look at that, we'll figure that out."

You know, as far as some of this other stuff, we were saying, "We're aware of it. We've looked at it. We've got it," or, "There's nothing there." I can't remember if we were at the point—I think we were at the point in Georgia to be able to say that we had looked at that and did not believe that to be the case.

Q Yeah. That's the next section of your notes, where you say "Georgia legislature"—or he talks about the Georgia legislature. Can you pick up from there?

A Right. So it says, "Georgia legislature is on our side. They want to bring a case, but the Governor won't let them," meaning they want to file some sort of civil case. The Governor won't let them.

He then goes back to the statistics. He says, "Statistically impossible for me to lose. Bookies had me at 100 percent on election night. It dropped to 32 percent in 4 or 5 hours. That's never happened before."