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So now this is an example of DAG Rosen responding. And he said essentially, "We'll look at whether we have more ballots in Pennsylvania than registered voters. Should be able to check that out quickly. But understand that the DOJ can't and won't snap its fingers and change the outcome of the election. It doesn't work that way."

Q So DAG Rosen directly says, "We cannot snap our fingers and change the outcome of the election. It doesn't work that way." Clear pushback to the President looking for some sort of Department of Justice finger snap to delay the results of the election.

A Yes, that's what he said. And he was, to some extent, pushing back and—

Q Yeah.

A —trying to make the President understand the Department's role.

Q Yeah. So what does the President say in response to that pushback from Mr. Rosen?

A He says, "I don't expect you to do that. Just say that the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican Congressmen."

Q Tell me more about that. What you did you interpret that to mean?

A So I put it in quotes. It is an exact quote from the President.

I took that to mean that he and his campaign, I suppose, were going to be pursuing a political effort on the Hill to challenge electoral college votes.

And we knew that was the case already. There was already public reporting on this. So I think the President and some of his supporters were talking about challenging electoral college votes when they made it to the Senate.

And so that didn't surprise me, that he had this avenue that he intended to pursue with what he called the "Republican Congressmen." So—

Q And the Department's role in that, Mr. Donoghue, is to say the election was