Page:CTRL0000034600 - Transcribed Interview of Richard Peter Donoghue, (Oct. 1, 2021).pdf/73

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Approximately 1800, 6:00 p.m., in car en route to D.C. Congressman Perry said POTUS asked him to call. He is concerned about the election. He thinks that DOJ hasn't done its job on the election. He sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee. He can't understand why DOJ said nothing about Hunter Biden investigation prior to the election. And I noted that I had no response there. He said he likes Jeff Clark a lot. He thinks he would do something about this, meaning the election allegations. He said something about the FBI. And he talked about the Awan brothers, A-w-a-n, the House of Representatives IT scandal. I was vaguely aware of this, but I didn't know the details. He said: The IG was fired. We asked FBI to interview her. They told her not to bring anything to the interview. She felt like she was the one under investigation.

And he said: And I cite this only to show that you the FBI doesn't always do the right thing in all instances.

And he said there was a forensic accountant who was a State representative in Pennsylvania looking at open source info. All counties but three—meaning all counties but three have reported their results. Oh, I am sorry. He, the accountant, had looked at all counties but three. Then I have a parenthetical that says still working on those.

Then he said there were 205,000 more votes than voters and that this is clear fraud. He asked if he could send me evidence and send me information about this. I told him we would, of course, be willing to look at that, but, thus far, we haven't seen fraud on a scale to change the outcome in Pennsylvania.

On the left, I have—ask to send—oh, he asked for my email address, and he will send information that he has relevant to this. So I gave him my email address.

Q All right. So a couple of questions about this conversation, Mr. Donoghue. Again, Jeff Clark, does he talk about how he knows Jeff Clark? What's the basis of his statement that he likes Jeff Clark a lot? Did you have any context as to why