Page:CTRL0000034600 - Transcribed Interview of Richard Peter Donoghue, (Oct. 1, 2021).pdf/74

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Congressman Perry was touting Mr. Clark?

A No, and I did not ask.

Q Okay. And he is essentially repeating consistently with what you had heard earlier from the President about more votes, more voters than—or more votes than voters, right, more votes counted than registered voters? There's this sort of math issue that the President had raised that Mr. Perry is repeating?

A Yes, that's right.

Q Okay. And just a context point here, you're in the car. Did you have the DAG's detail, even though you weren't the Acting DAG there? They were driving you essentially back to D.C. from New York?

A Yes. That's right.

Q Okay. All right. So then do you get—you send him your email, and you get an email from Mr. Perry later. It looks like, turning to tab 8, Sunday night, December 27th, at about 8:30 p.m., he sends you an email that just says: Sir, as discussed. And it forwards this PowerPoint about this Pennsylvania data that he had referenced earlier. Do you recall receiving that, and did it pertain to what he had said on the call?

A Yes. That's right.

Q What did you do with that when you got this information from Mr. Perry?

A So I was in the back of the vehicle, and I only had an iPhone. So I couldn't really read this in detail anyway. But I opened it. I flipped through it a little bit. I could see it was sort of consistent with some of the points that he had raised in the call. And then I forwarded it to Scott Brady, who was the U.S. attorney in the Western District of Pennsylvania. Again, remember, it's the U.S. attorney who has the responsibility to investigate things in their jurisdiction if they deem appropriate. So I forwarded this