Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/65

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ton, the two Chief Justices, Commissioners,—Lord Fitzgibbon absent in England,—Privy Seal, 6 Sept.—patent, 21.—Pleasure.—Inr. 22 Sept. 1790.—30 Geo. III. 4a p. m. 13, 17. d. R. 111—without prejudice to Lord Fitzgibbon's patent. A commission passed the Great Seal appointing the twelve Judges, together with the four Masters in Chancery, or the twelve Judges and the four masters for the time being, or any three or more of them, to hear and determine causes in Chancery, in the absence of the Chancellor, or in case of his death.—Privy Seal, 26 August,—patent, 2 Oct.,—Inr. 12 Nov. 1791.—32 Geo. III. 1a 3, 5, pag. R. 116. Upon license of absence the Seals are given in Commission to the Abp. of Dublin and the two Chief Justices,—Privy Seal, 26 March,—patent, 2 April,—Inr. 22 April 1793.-33 Geo. III. 2a p. 13, 17. p. R. 122. License to go to England for the recovery of his health was granted to Lord Clare, in pursuance of his Majesty's letter,—Privy Seal, 18 Sept.,—patent, 25 Sept.—Pleasure.—Inr. 27 Sept 1797: Earl Clonmel, Lords Carleton and Yelverton. Commissioners.—37 Geo. III. 3a p. 82. pag. R. 153.

The Chancellor was appointed Lord High Steward of Ireland, for the trial of Robert, Earl of Kingston "to perform, occupy, and exercise that office for this term only, with all things belonging and appertaining to the said office in this behalf," —Privy Seal 4 May,—patent, 16 May.—Inr. 17 May 1798.—38 Geo. III