Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/66

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4a p. 25. pag. R. 159. K. L. 41. 2a p. 4. pag.R. 175. The two Chief Justices and the Chief Baron, Commissioners of the Great Seal,—Privy Seal, 26 Sept.—patent, 8 Oct.—Pleaaure.—Inr. 8 Oct. 1798.—38 Geo. III. 6a p. 9. pag. R. 161—K. L. 41. 2a p. 59. pag. R. 175. A license was granted to Lord Clare to absent himself in England from his office. There is a clause expressly dispensing with the statute on that head. All allowances, emoluments, and fees reserved to him,—Privy Seal, 7 Sept.—patent, 16 Sept.—Inr, 18 Sept. 1799. Lords Kilwarden, Carleton, and Sir Michael Smith, Commissioners.—39 Geo. III. 2a p. 117. pag. R. 181.—K. L. 40. 2a p. 10. pag. R. 169.—41. 2a p. 104. pag. R. 175.

1800. The Chief Justices of the two Benches and the Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Commissioners, on account of the Chancellor s absence in England,—Privy Seal, 25 Nov.—patent, 12 Dec. 1800, Inr. same day.—41 Geo. IIL 1» p. 11 pag. R. 186. See 41. 2a p. 138. pag. R. 175.— K. L. 41. 2a p. 141. pag, R. 175.

1802. Memorandum from the Hanaper:—John, Earl of Clare, died at his house in Ely-place, Dublin, on Thursday, 28 Jan. in this year, at one o'clock in the morning. The Great Seal and purse, &c., were as usual, taken to the Castle, and all business was suspended until Saturday the 6 Feb. following. In pursuance of his Majesty's letter, dated St. James's, 30 Jan., a warrant issued from the Castle of Dublin, that